Floyd will be broke as a joke one day and as out of it as his father and his uncle, you can count on it The mayweather family is blessed with great boxing acumen, but they are a miserable shower of bastards. Jeff Mayweather is the only decent guy among them. Floyds Sr. and Jr. and Roger are among the shittiest, self-absorbed, miserable pricks in a business filled with such people
So is Floyd's Shit REALLY Paid For, or NOT???.... REED:dunno: ps. As for Miss Jackson, REED's Always Gotten the Impression that Fiddy INTRODUCED Her to Floyd, All the While Maintaining a Sexual Relationship w/her HIMSELF...Fiddy Probably had Miss Jackson Licking his Balls MINUTES Prior to her Kissing Floyd in the Mouth.... The Bottom Line is, U CAN'T Turn a HO Into a Housewife...
No Doubt... ANY So-Called "Man" that would Be Sooo Bold as to Kick Ms. Jackson OUT of Bed, Needs his Sexual Preference QUESTIONED...VISUALLY, She's a DIME in a World Full of Nickels & a Couple Pennies...But She's Clearly MATERIALISTIC & OPPORTUNISTIC, so She Could NEVER Be Trusted as a "Keeper", Until her Looks Begin to FADE.... Ms Jackson is the FUN Girl that you Hang Out w/a Few Times a Year, No MORE, No LESS...Fiddy Kept their "Relationship" in it's PROPER Perspective, Whereas Floyd Paraded her Around on TV as HIS Girl... REED:mut:
If you noticed in the video 50 cent didn't crack a smile all the time he was next to Floyd, but the moment Ms Jackson joins the photo session,his facial expression changed completely and seemed truly thrilled to have her there to put his hand on her hip/waist.
If the breakup had to do with Ms. Jackson nicely shaved vagina....then it won't be long till 50 cent mentions it on his lyrics..... Hopefully Floyd is smart enough not to go at him with the shitty rappers in his music company stable....he should hire Jadakiss..he handle 50 easily a few years ago... <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/kQ-o1E3r7PE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/V4zJG_xYAR8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/MmLtlqzkgLg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Floyd is in a jealousy rage about 50 cent betrayal...over Ms Jackson or this Asian? http://hiphopnews24-7.com/profiles/...Id=3090479:Comment:2271339&xg_source=activity
I don't know. Knowing how Fiddy is, if he hit that, you could bet your bottom dollar he would openly BRAG about it in public.
Things just blew up on Twitter. From 50cents Twitter: https://twitter.com/50cent "Floyd you know I have more MONEY then you.Al Haymen got you on a Allowance, you go broke every fight stupid." "Floyd stop spending your money on hoe's man they don't love you fool." "I can't hang out with Floyd no more,I'm tired of running from manny pacquiao" "Ellerbee you a broke bum GAMBOA want to fight tell him to Floyd lace up. Lol" From Floyd's: https://twitter.com/FloydMayweather "A male boxing groupie.. hold my belts because your album sales have declined http://instagr.am/p/Rjhoa1R3Vb/" "Hold my money Fuck Boy http://instagr.am/p/RjmsFWx3Yg/" "Men lie.. women lie numbers don't lie. Wayne, Drake, Rick Ross, Kanye please help this boy pic.twitter.com/C90vrO5q"
My friend just wrote me a text from Vegas. He saw Floyd rolling around with his entourage. Gotta get out there after the breakup! ::
:laugh11: Hard to argue with the Manny Pacquiao line. Fiddy just wanted to go out and chill, obviously got sick of looking over his shoulder to see if Manny was there opcorn:
These guys were never friends. Floyd rode with 50 because he wanted the street cred he believed came with having someone like 50 in his corner. From what I heard, 50 was putting the pressure on Floyd to fight Pac because the payout for their venture would have been off the chain. Obviously, Floyd did not like that 50 was pushing him to the point of insinuating that he was afraid of Pac. You know how Floyd can be when challenged. I also heard an excerpt yesterday of 50 saying something about when Floyd was locked up, they formed the company with the goal of working together. However, 50 went on to say that "Someone" didn't have any money to put into the venture. It's obvious who that "someone" is. Finally, 50 even went on a show not too long ago talking about how he sees Floyd like a little brother. Not in a bad way, but in a way where he needs guidance. 50 said that some of the things that he's interested in, Floyd has ZERO interest, such as business. 50 mentioned how he's trying to be a smart businessman but Floyd has no interest. He said Floyd just makes his money and spends it so fast without thinking long-term. I think that could be a reason why he severed ties with Floyd. I guess he figures if they did make money together, especially after Floyd's career, he'd be a financial liability that will have a negative affect on the overall business. Don't be surprised if you start hearing 50 talk publicly how Floyd has always been afraid of Pac; whether it's true or not.
<object width="560" height="315"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/zNOXjBoMrUY?version=3&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/zNOXjBoMrUY?version=3&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>
I don't know. I feel like this single line, trumps any embarrassing photo Floyd can post of Fitty. "Al Haymen got you on a Allowance, you go broke every fight stupid." :: .............and you know any one of those photos, is just Half Dollar humoring Floyd's huge ego.
No Way in Hell did Floyd Come Up w/that....GREAT Comeback for Certain, but Faaaaaaaar BEYOND Anything Floyd Could Devise Himself... REED opcorn:
Apparently, Andre Dirrell Signed w/50 Cent & is Now Trained by....... Floyd SR... 50's about to Open a Gym in Vegas that Floyd Sr. will Train Guys Out of...Sr. Didn't have Much to Say on "The Breakup", However... http://www.examiner.com/article/may...-training-dirrell?CID=examiner_alerts_article REED:l2: