R.I.P. Mr. Basilio... REED Heard Numerous Stories of How COOL Carmen Basilio was, from Guys who've Gone to Canastota, NY., For Boxing Hall of Fame Inductions...To a Man, they ALL Said Basilio would Lightly Punch them Under the Chin, Upon Introduction...REED was Actually Looking Forward to Getting HIS Chin Punched by Basilio 1 of These Days... For Whatever Reason, Basilio's was 1 of the More RECOGNIZABLE Boxing Faces to REED...During his Fighting Days AND as an Old Man, it was Always EASY to Identify him in a Picture...REED Looooved Basilio's Brutal HONESTY when he Said, "I Don't Give a Shit", when Told "Sugar" Ray Robinson Died::... Sadly, Boxing has Lost Yet ANOTHER of its Great CHARACTERS... R.I.P. Mr. Basilio... REEDray:
Yup, he was a cool dude. He once walked up to me and my wife while we were having dinner in town and asked us why such a young couple was wasting their time in this shitty restaurant. We should be back at our hotel room, banging our brains out. ::
Wow. His name and LaMotta's are/were two that I am always looking out for in the Ob column. I guess 4 more years of Sugar Ray Obama were too much for the guy.
They're all leaving us. When I was at the BHOF in '11, they were selling sweet Italian sausage from the Carmen Basilio vendor right on the BHOF grounds! Ironically, it did not come with onions!! RIP
Let's hope Carmen didn't see what you did there!!! I was always taken by how tiny a middleweight Basilio was. He was a midget at the weight. Supposedly his heart grew new veins from the roadwork he did.
He was in pretty good shape, and pretty with it, up until about 2 years ago or so. Surprising for a guy who took so much punishment in his career.
I don't remember to be honest. He did it with just about everybody when they would take a picture with him, but I was never the type to pose for pictures with the boxers. I did find a pictue of Carmen with my mom, when I used to bring family members up with me, and it looked like he was whispering something dirty in her ear. :: No Mom jokes please..............ah fuck it, I can take it. :fist:
One of the most ferocious, relentless fighters of all time... he fought everyone willing to get in there with him and was a great welterweight RIP
I am awaiting Rodger Mayweathers "He only beat Ray cos he weighed like 122lbs more than Ray" statement.
With that name, Carmen, he had no choice! and btw...good riddance! The old fart was taking space anyway.
I would happily have him come back and take the space your ignorant bitch-ass is currently claiming, pendejo