116-111 114-113 114-113 All for Soliman, who gets a crack at Geale (which will inevitably lead to another Mundine match)
Didn't even know Soliman was still "on the scene"... figured he was fighting cans in Canton on Cancer Awareness day
Sam Solimon's still fighting?? :: I remember watching him fight Neville Brown and Howard Eastman back in the day
I watched this. Sturm put Soliman down in round 2 with a lovely timed right hand. He dominated the first 3-4 rounds and it was looking like he would stop Soliman. Then Sturm fell asleep. Soliman started to outwork him. Better workrate more punches thrown and landed. Sturm is in decline now. Michael Buffer initially read out Sturm as the winner but made sure he corrected himself by then announcing Soliman as the winner several times :: Buffer is also in decline.
Jesus, just checked when these fights took place, 2000-2001, I'd just left school, and the guys still going. Fair play.
agREED.... He BLATANTLY DUCKED High Profile Bouts w/Jermain Taylor AND Kelly Pavlik...Sperm was CONTENT w/Never Pushing the Envelope... REED:hammert:
he gets loads of credit for it....we know who he is, after all :dunno: he was somebody after the DLH fight...too bad for him that he never cashed in
Nah, he Gets Credit for It...He BEAT Dela that Night, No Doubt... But the Onus was on Sperm to BUILD Upon that Fight...Instead, he Remained Under the Protective Blanket of his Promotion & NEVER had a Truly MEANINGFUL Fight Again...Sam Soliman???...Sperm Should Be Ashamed for Signing a Contract to Fight Soliman, Nevermind LOSING to him... REED:shit:
I'm not so sure Sturm didn't, afterall, take the best course he could've, in terms of financial gain, following the ODH fight. Think about it. Under his European promoter, he had plenty of fights in front of presumably large crowds (since he almost always had a title). My guess is he was paid fairly handsomly for these when you consider how long he's been at it since the ODH fight. Had he taken the Taylor, Hopkins, Wright fights, and lost, he may have lost his spot on the European circuit.
It is exactly like that. Sturm is the biggest talker in german boxing by far. "Would take on Hopkins in his living room for a bag of candy" - yet all he did was facing no names to maximize his financial income. He milked the DLH-Fight for ages here saying he was robbed and nobody wants to fight him and others aren't worthy to fight him. "Nobody knows Martinez in Germany..." Lately he musta pissed of the boxing world, too cuz he can't get his usual bonuses anymore. Anytime a fight is close you must be afraid he loses again. Under Universum he would have never lost to Geale, Soliman or drew with Murray.
Legend:: Didn't the Ring have some ridiculous list recently where has a top ten all-time middleweight? He wouldn't make my top 100