Comanche Boy is the King of PADDED Records...He Makes a Pretty Good Living Feasting on BUMS on the Oklahoma Casino Circuit... REED:hammert:
holt is such a waste of talent. i think peterson will out work him. holt claims he is almost 100% now and a shoulder injury had him fighting at 60% for years. i think holt is full of shit.
Peterson LACKs the Power to EARN Holt's Respect Though...& Holt has the Power to Take ANY Jr. Welter Out...Peterson has to Be Careful EVERY Minute of EVERY Round... This is a 55-45 Fight, in Peterson's Favor, in REED's Opinion... REEDopcorn:
This Halili Kid Spent MUCH of his Ammy Career Fighting Out of Ft. Worth...TALENTED Kid...He's Got a Brother Named Skinder who's Pretty Good as Well.... REED:hammert: