Who Knew that the Life of a PIMP, a Certified CHICK MAGNET, Consisted of Harassing Other DUDES on Twitter????.... REED:ant:
Yeah, BOSS acted like a bitch on Paltalk as well the other night. This is a theme with him. His employer doesn't want to give him a raise or new position, so he wanted to harass her husband and claim she's having an affair. He goes on Paltalk, and spams until people get kicked out of the chat. Now he's recommending harassing boxers who have never done anything to him. That's pretty pathetic.
Right, that wasn't you a few weeks ago. Dude, anonymously harassing people is pathetic. When are you going to learn?
Now it's few weeks? First off I do not think it's pathetic I think it's funny and second of all I never went on there. I assume anyone could go on and call themselves boss but there is only true one and it's spelled with captial letters such as so BOSS and he is only here. Thank you and good day. Go back to your cubicle before things get ugly Buddles!