Is Cloud the guy who can punch but hasn't shown much more? Seems like the same pick for every Hopkins fight. Nard by decision unless 'he gets old over night' (or find another way out)
It's Kinda SAD when a 137 Year Old Man is the "Safe" Pick in a Fight, but that's Precisely what Bernard Hopkins is, in This Instance... HOPEFULLY, Cloud Wins, Convincingly...He'd Emerge as Another MEANINGFUL Opponent for Andre Ward...Cloud Can Punch a Bit, but his Approach is Predictable, so it's Imperative he HURT Bernard w/Something EARLY...The Looooooooooonger the Fight Goes, the BETTER it is for the Old Man... REED:hammert:
I have a feeling it will be horrible to watch and all of us will wish Hopkins had stopped fighting years ago when it is over
I miss the prime 147-year-old 'Nard. Now that he's somewhere into his 150's, I still have to pick him. Cloud can be awful at times, and with that said, Hopkins should still have enough tricks & savvy moves to pull this off. Close, boring nod for Hopkins IMO.
First time I saw Cloud fight was 2-3 years ago? I was impress....I saw his last fight.not IMPRESS...still aggressive and strong but had not improved much from the first time i saw him. Prime Hopkins....scratch that Hopkins from even 7 years ago would have eaten aggressive fighters like Cloud alive...but Hopkins is older than earth(only 10,000 years if you are fag) he likes to fight for 20-30 seconds max in every round, Cloud is strong enough to not allow Hopkins to embrace him in bro love...push him off and hit him hard in the face. But the safe bet is Hopkins by Decision....jab,jab, clinch, turn him, hit him in the hip...throw a right missed? so what clinch him, a few more hip shots...
i think the safe pick is cloud to outwork this guy. i really hope he lays a beating on hopkins though
I think Cloud wins a decision, but he's so goddamn limited and lacking in ring IQ, that Hopkins outboxing him is a very real possibility.
I predict two things. Firstly, Hopkins will make Cloud look even worse than he actually is. Secondly, I won't be watching it. MTF
cloud beat johnson as well as carl frunt did, for whatever that is worth. not much in my opinion, but some here who seem to fancy frunt shouldnt cast aspersions on cloud. cloud looked bad vs campillo. but campillo would whip hopkins, frunt or 99 of other light heavies if they had the guts to face him.
All these fights are intriguing on paper until someone beats the shit out of Hopkins. They're rarely intriguing in the ring.
when is this, 10 or 11 tonight? I have just awoken from a nap so I should be sufficiently rested to suffer through the full fight::
Very entertaining fight on HBO Latino when Argenis Mendez from Dominican Republic destroyed Mexican champion Juan Carlos Salgado. Sweet revenge for Mendez, who is now the IBF 130 lbs champion, a title he should had won when he first met Salgado in 2011 and was robbed by the judges in Mexico.
...A Hopkins fight...? .....I'm going to lay down in bed and fall a sleep by round the fucking time change is going to fuck me up waking up tomorrow....