the whole 24 day window thing Roach/Pac/Arum advanced came about as a result of a video of Pac surfacing from the Pac/Hatton 24/7 where Pac is getting his blood drawn 24 days out from the fight. he was perfectly calm, cool as a cucumber as he watched himself get stuck and blood get drawn. proceeded to knock Hatton's head off 3 weeks later..
this + GH increases cranial thickness. I've always felt that Margarito was probably on GH or a GH peptide.
GH causes cranial expansion as well. Muscles can increase in strength without increasing dramatically in visible size, depending on the compounds you're using.
I think Pac could knock out Vitali while weighing 150 and unless there is a needle sticking out of his ass, Z will say "you have no proof!"
I think Mayweather could sneak into your house, fuck your girl and you'd shake his hand and say you were sorry.
I'm still waiting on you to produce a single example of me being a "nuthugger" of Mayweather (a guy I've loudly rooted against for years)
To me, there's nothing to suggest Pac is clearly more a PED user than Floyd is. To be honest, I think both are on using some kind of it, but to claim one is clean but one is dirty is definitively groupie stuff with the info we have.
Naturally, with all the PED talk, no one brings up the 40-year old Guillermo Jones who just knocked out Lebedev the CW, the same Jones that fought for a freaking 154 lb. belt
That is fucking mental, I can't believe Guillermo used to be a welterweight. He's 6'4 for starters ::
I have a question how come no one else has followed up on this story that PBF has tested positive for PED's. NO ONE! TBH this would be the biggest story next to Lance Armstrong testing positive. That shit would be everywhere. Only 1 writer has this classified information. Nope not buying it. Then for him to test positive for 3 fights. Not only that but the other fighters Mosley Cotto and then the way the Ortiz fight ended and none of their camps would mention anything. Get the fuck outta here. I'll Holla 5000
Yeah cdogg isn't a Mayweather groupie..or might be thinking of his love affair with Pernell Whitaker...
clogg respects mayweather jr.'s ability but isnt an outright fanatic like he is of hector camacho (RIP) and vinnie pazienza.
To be fair though, cdogg is probably a bit more leniant than he should be on Floyd as an overall entity, because he obviously appreciates him as a fighter.
Yeah...he loves...LOVES those two...weird. He once told me Camacho was better than Whitaker because he was flashier and had better quality cocaine... His adoration of Vinny Paz is heartwarming....Never seen a fan love an athlete with just fervor it's moving. He can bear to watch Roy vs. Pazienze..pure skills against pure will.... but has Paz vs. Rosenjew playing on a loop on all his tv's...
I'm objective about the guy... I dislike him immensely... he is a great boxer but I think it is insane the way his fans rate him, especially above 135... I feel similar about Pac... from 122-130, he's a great fighter, one of the best I've seen in those divisions, a force... but I don't rate him as legendary at these higher weight classes, either...
I really like Floyd as a fighter too, I mean he's pretty amazing. Especially when he's not being negative. I feel like I'm being objective about the two of them, I think the difference between you and me is I'm FAR more impressed by what Pacquiao has done above 135. He just surprised the hell out of me, decimating guys that logically he had no business doing. I partly give him extra credit because of his size, he is a proper small guy, the frame of a featherweight really. Floyd hasn't looked THAT undersized against anyone he's fought, even Oscar didn't exactly dwarf him.