Tszyu would go into boxer mode, IMO and control the fight with his jab, win a wide decision, wouldn't let Matttthhhyyssee turn it into a war
I wouldn't say a wide decision. Matthysse is far less one dimensional than Tackie, and even in boxer mode, it's not like Tszyu becomes Sweet Pea. However, I do agree that Tszyu wins if he boxes carefully.
all these matthysse matchups are premature. re-visit them in two years and we'll have a better idea how he'd do against all these foes.
Pretty much yeah. He hasn't fought an elite fighter yet, and we don't even know how good his chin is really.
in all seriousness, what elite fighter is there for him to fight? Floyd and...? Marquez? He just knocked the shit out of a guy who was at worst top 5 in the world at 140
Oh I agree. It's not his fault. He looked superb against a solid world level guy like Peterdude. But I also think it's safe to see we don't know enough about him at this stage, he's never had a real chin check or gut check.
funnily enough, I think that Mathysse resume is not that far from the one of Tszyu, which is really thin for a so called legend. And he fought Judah who's a great puncher, and never was hurt, so I think it's safe to say his chin is at least solid
Gotta go with Tszyu via decision. Matthyssee would be dangerous throughout but Kostya is just more versatile.
Too bad Matthyse lost the rat tail. Imagine the ebbs and flows and the swinging rat tail imagery. Ponce de Leon could get in that mix too with his sweet locks. Mikey Garcia looks like he had a rat tail as a child. Glad I could contribute.