Exactly. Growing up in the boroughs, Brooklynites usually have the thickest, ignorant accents from my experiences. Paulie speaks pretty well and surprised me beyond belief when he first started this venture. You hear faint remnants in Kellerman's delivery too, but there's something charming about New York accents when it relates to boxing.
agreed... it fits boxing I used to love Gil Clancy's accent, he sounded like my Uncle Joe "deez guys are fightin' fer the championship of da woild"
True. There are plenty of New Yorkers who see the charm in a Clancy...you probably have one in your family or know someone with that accent who is endearing. LOL at "woild", only certain people like myself don't find that extremely irritating.
Do you mean, like not be a smurf with a terrible whiteboy double-tape amongst other things? Never gonna happen. I think at this point, you either like Paulie or you don't. I happen to like him, but I totally understand the other side of the argument.
Yeah, I love it. It's great. You don't see too many of those anymore, mostly the old guys that speak that way ("woild")
Gil Clancy was my favorite boxing commentator. I think it had a lot to do with your Uncle Joe comment. Listening to him was like having a boxing discussion with an old relative that knew the game from way back when. And Gil was normally dead-on with his assessments. I can't count the number of times he would say something like so and so "....is setting him for that left hook Tim." and then the left hook lands almost like Gil had scripted it. I like both Tarver and Paulie. Neither of them try to sound exceptionally articulate or intelligent. That was always my problem with Roy Jones behind the mic. He just tried too hard to sound smart.