On the same night. 10 rounds each 20 minute rest between bouts. If Moore loses by any means in any bout the tag team is decalred the winner. Who you got?
Yeah, Calzaghe would run and slap for the full ten, Froch and his weird face would give him six solid rounds and Kessler is game in rounds 17-23. If Moore could hang in there and dispatch Bute somewhere around round 28, we all know Taylor fades & might crumble in the mid-30's. It's a long shot, but I saw the guy from Diggstown pull it off.
I think Archie would say to his corner "Is this motherfucker trying to slap me? Am I imagining that?"
'Coach, this is embarrassing but I think this ball cupper is trying to initiate some sort of Sicilian mating dance with me. I'm putting an end to this, quick' *BOOM* Moore KO 2.:bears:
same the staredown would be hilarious... Foreman glaring at his homosexual counterpart with his strangely placid, almost Mongolian features... Calzaghe, extremely confident and not knowing any better due to having never actually fought a good fighter before, hopping up and down "I'm fit, innit? I force a torrid pace, squire... Hope you lot are prepared for a real calorie crusher!" bell rings... Foreman ignores some lead slaps and lands a jab which sends the Cardiff Cock Enthusiast stumbling back ten feet into the ropes... a following uppercut lifts him off the canvas and deposits him ringside in Frunk Werren's lap