November 1991 the Saturday after Thanksgiving at the Mirage in Las Vegas for the Simon Brown vs. Buddy McGirt fight in a sparse crowd. The fight did not sell so Don King gave away free tickets to Nellis AFB where I was stationed and G.I.'s made up about 90 percent of the crowd. Folks were playing with their children and boxers were walking among the crowd-Mike McCallum, Michael Dokes, Frankie Randall and Eddie Mustafa Muhammad to name a few and were siging autographs, smiling and chatting and taking pictures with the airmen and their families. Suddenly; a pair of stainless steel doors leading from the service area were kicked open. A tall fellow in an expensive suit and ray ban sunglasses jumps out and gets into a karate stance and screams like he's Bruce Lee. I see a shoulder holster with a S&W .357 Magnum with Pachmeyer grips he's wearing under the suit. He's still in his stance as he does a 360 and scans the banquet room where the fight is being held, turns back and waves his hand and six other guys all dressed alike in gray Armani suits with sunglasses come out holding walkie-talkies. Clear! Sector Clear! Proceed with entrance! All secure! They form two lines along the aisles with three on each side. Back everybody! Stay back! Stay away! A guy about 6'6 marches in with another guy in the rear and two other guys, one of either side and there is someone in the middle of all this humanity, but he's so short, you can't make out who it is. They come to an area and scatter, filing out along front, back, right and left sides, and the short guy in the middle of all of this is Mike Tyson!! First of all, there are Mirage house security there and Las Vegas metro cops and deputies so all of this is not needed. The guy was so scared of going out in public for fear that somebody was going to hit him or pick a fight with him he would not even go the bathroom by himself! I think one of these guys may have held it for him when he took a piss even he was so intimidated. The other fighters were not afraid, but this guy sure was! People that were there lost respect for this chap after seeing this travesty, I know I sure did. Some "Baddest Man on the Planet", huh? Needs a dozen flunkies to go with him everywhere, like some fan with his kids is really gonna pick a fight with him! He stayed hid behind his bodyguards the entire time, and when he went ringside to call the action, they went with him. A real tough guy.
I don't think he normally travels like that. I'm guessing he heard you were there and decided he'd be better off being safe than sorry.
Pfffft This Tyson guy should have gotten in the ring for once in his life and actually boxed. Just another wannabe, envious of the 1977 Myrrh Gloves Champion of Houston, TX
i saw Michael Jackson traveled around with lots of security guards too, yet claimed he was Bad and Dangerous athetic:
word. I even saw a film where Barack Obama was with some security people, even though he should be the leader of his country. What kind of a leader is a pussy who hasn't got the guts to walk on street by himself?
i also lost a lot of respect for Catholicism after i saw the 'all powerful' Pope in a bullet proof car, wtf!
I agree taht it's pathetic. But I'm not so sure it's because he was scared or for safety protection. Remember, he was basically a kid back then, so maybe it was a way for him to show off.
You guys ever hear of something called a lawsuit? A good scheme to get rich quick would be to get in the face of a high-profile fighter, get knocked deader than Snarl Smegman in Andy Ganigan's neighborhood and then sue the motherfucker, who will likely settle and give you 50 Gs...
I think I'd want more than that to get punched off a prime Tyson. Remember that fat Mexican (cdogg look alike :atu:) he punched in the hotel lobby? Apparently he hit him on the temple, BLINDED him in that eye and knocked out several of his TEETH. :scared2:
:: And do you remember Mitch Green's face after Tyson hit him a few times on the street? Looked like he had an altercation with a car.
This chicken mama was afraid to go to the bathroom without a 6'6 Karate guy holding his penis, that is how intimidated he was by Smegman... What makes you think he did that to Green? It was for publicity, folks... I asked Mike Rossman about it and he told me Tyson was cold-cocked in the gym by Murray Sutherland and Cayton and Jacobs covered it up... the guy is a fraud and a chicken mama who never laced 'em up
This story is completely like some bullshit Smegman would say... you guys must not have been paying attention all these years
Maybe I am him, and then again, maybe I'm not. What difference does it make with scores of posters coming in here under multiple handles and changing their forum names time and time again?
Looks like someone is afraid to break down long winded posts into separate paragraphs. God damn grammatical cowards! TFK
Every word in that story happened exactly as I described it from the stooge thinking he was David Carradine to Tyson being scared to go anywhere by himself when scores of other fighters mingled about the crowd. If it hurts your feelings or if you don't like it because it shattered whatever image of the guy you have in your mind(s), work with it.
Tyson was in a NO WIN Situation... 1st of All, Let's Not Forget this was PRE-Zoloft Tyson...Motherfucker was BAT SHIT CRAZY in those Days...This WASN'T the Lovable, SEDATED, "Hangover" Tyson the World has Fallen in Love w/All Over Again...2nd of All, There's OPPORTUNISTS Out there (Male AND Female), Looking to Gain Fame AND Fortune @ Tyson's Expense... Dude Starts Shit w/Tyson, Gets Knocked into "Bolivian", then Files a Lawsuit...OR, a Guy like Mitch Green Demands an Ill Advised RE w/an Unbeknownst Tyson on a Harlem Street Corner, Only t0 Run to the MEDIA Afterwards... Tyson was DAMNED if he Did & DAMNED if he Didn't... The Amount of Security was PRETENTIOUS, but Better to Have Tooooo MANY Security Guys than Tooooooooo FEW, Especially Considering Tyson's Mental State Back in those Days... REED:notallthere: