Watch from 2:40 on.... [video=youtube;oDpYjFmEHCE][/video] TFK
Given the choice, I'd feel less shame playing the part and announcing what is clearly a white trash soap opera than actually having to muster real enthusiasm for white trash faggotry in a cage
Mauro will always be better suited for Dana White's brand of presentation. Mauro, Rogan and the gene-pool loser in the Buffer family are the over-the-top trifecta. Buffer is just a cartoon character, Rogan has "low-T" and is clearly taking an anabolic supplement and Mauro rounds out the asshole team perfectly. Put it all together with that ridiculous Tale-of-the-Tape music during the UFC broadcasts and you are slathered in fucking cheese. For such a good product, those UFC fights sound better if you turn the volume off and throw on some Sade. Rogan is going to have an aneurism on air one day & "It's Tiiiime!" From Buffer makes me laugh every time I hear it. The thing he does with the cue cards when pointing at the fighters is laugh out loud funny as well. Give me Lampley, Merchant, Kellerman, Paulie, Ward, etc. all day. Even if Dana White thinks his sport is killing boxing, he clearly hasn't listened to its broadcasts in a long time.
Good post. [1] He is right now, for sure. Just look at this thread. I think he has potential to win people over, but apparently he'll need to tone it down, as you imply. [2] :: [3] I think Rogan is excellent at his job. [4] Part of the UFC 'product' and experience, I guess. [5] Smooth. [6] Yeah, it's painful. [7] Even worse, imo. [8] No fucking way. He was the worst of the worst. Good riddance. I know he had some good moments, but they were far, far outweighed.
I guess i am alone and think he is actually pretty good. He actually gives fighters credit and makes fights seem important. Bob Papa sounds like he is going to fall asleep on the air.
Check out the end, he makes Max Kellerman sound like LL Cool J. [video=youtube;YU3Udzzs9ng][/video] TFK
<iframe src="" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> <p><a href="">Max and Sam - rumble young man rumble</a> from <a href="">Bootleggaz Wreckordz</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>
Hmmm, you're right I admit. He should though, he would fit in so well I thought he was there the whole time. UFC broadcasts are a clown show...I'd give Mauro a favorable reference so he gets the hell out of the sport I love.
Great?!? That guy fucking sucks orangutan tits. The word "great" gets thrown around way too damn irresponsibly, bro. Mauro is and never will be in the league of...let's say "Mean" Gene Okerland. That shit was greatness.