I'm guessing non-title? KZ has to be one of the lesser guys on paper to challenge for a title in a long time if not. He's the worst I can think of, anyway.
Pettis didn't deserve a 145 title shot anyway. They should make him fight Guida again at 145 to earn one.
Me too, it would have been a good fight for sure. I'm wondering if Pettis is actually injured or realized he can't make 145. He's pretty huge to be making 145.
Pettis didn't deserve the shot either and Aldo was completely right about the situation. Not that I thought Pettis was going to win the fight or anything.
The Korean Zombie is definitely deserving of a title hot. He's on a nice roll with some dominant wins over quality guys. Aldo wins but I think it's a good fight.
it's been a while since k zombie last fought. i think he was injured at some point. either way, it's going to be in brazil too. i hope it's a good fight but i think aldo blasts him out early.