kirkland was in vegas at the mayweather jr fight. claiming he is locked into a slave contract with anne wolfe and wants to drop her
What a retard. But yeah, his chin sucked and he was too basic to compensate for it. Fun to watch though.
He better protect himself by sticking with his own kind and not fucking around with the Asian inmates.
He has already been released. It was only 5 grand bail, in Texas you just have to come up with 10 percent and you're sprung. It couldn't have been too severe for that low of an amount, probably a Class A misdemeanor spousal assault charge, perhaps. He would get community service for that if it was a stand alone charge, but if he's on parole, it can be real bad news for him.
He'd have squinted his eyes, gone up on his tippy toes, said "you in big trubbah now, Kirkland San", stepped in with the right and three knockdowns later its all over................Kirkland is deflowering them.
Please, you can get frisky all you want as long as you are spending money, that's what running an "adult themed" business is all about, not just here but everywhere. It's when a patron gets drunk and starts acting stupid and/or runs out of money when they are asked to leave the premises. Personally; I've never spent a dime in one of those clip joints.
An article on had this to say about him.. "Kirkland, who has been inactive from boxing since February of 2012, was once regarded as one of the top prospects in the sport and, pound for pound, one of its most fearsome presences since a prime Mike Tyson ruled the ring." Really??
Kirkland? Wasn't he that dumbass who got out on parole and was arrested for having an illegal gun shortly thereafter? I'm all for giving a guy a shot to straighten out his life, but how many chances does he expect?
Yeah, the guy is clearly a complete moron. I agree with you, I'm for giving a guy a chance to straighten things out, but if you keep being a retard over and over again you simply don't deserve any success.
I think they got confused between being knocked out IN Japan on one hand and being knocked out BY Japan on the other.
That's SORT of the Story... Kirkland WAS on Parole (Not Sure if he STILL Is/Was In this Latest Instance), but he Made the Mistake of PURCHASING a Firearm from a Gun-Show, which was a VIOLATION of his Parole... He Bought the Gun & was SWARMED by Police, Less than 10 Minutes After Leaving the Gun-Show...He was w/his Girlfriend @ the Time...There WASN'T Any Malicious Intent... A TROUBLED Guy for Certain, but Kirkland's NOT the Type of Dude that'll Live Comfortably WITHOUT a Firearm...For Better or Worse, that's Been his Existence... REED:mj:
Damn. Completely, utterly shot. Anyone who cares about James better make sure he never steps in the ring again.