<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/cBRbL2-OQuM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Wow. I've watched this clip 4 times now and still haven't seen anything resembling a reason to stop the fight. What a fucking joke.
Agreed, a teachable style if there ever was one, just difficult to pull off quite as well as Nard does.
Wow, that has to be the single worst stoppage I've ever seen. The weird thing is, he could have stopped it the round before when the guy got up on wobbly legs, and it would have been somewhat acceptable. How insane.
to be honest, the best answer to that question is probably a guy like Mayorga or Maidana, who relies on punch, chin and heart more thany any skills
this is exactly what I was thinking, Torres seemed out of it at the end of the second round, and just as he was enjoying some ''success'', the fight is stopped alm: I think the ref mistaken Torres waving at Joe to start fighting as a some kind of wave to signify no mas. Still, pretty poor judgement by the ref to not let him continue after seeing Torres wanted to go on.
Pretty much anyone who exploits extraordinary physical advantages counts. Anyone who doesn't doesn't.
Completely teachable style... Hell, Andy Ganigan basically fought like that... He just wasn't as talented a guy as Pacquaio You can have great physical talent and still have a style that is coachable... There's nothing amazing or innovative or singular about Pacquiao's style... what makes him amazing is power and speed
Disagreed cdogg, I don't think Pacquiao's style is teachable at all. He relies mostly on physical talent and fighting instincts. He's become WAY more refined over the years since his flyweight days, but you can't teach Pacquiao's speed, power, agility, accuracy, timing and unpredictability - and it's those components that make him the fighter he is.
The way welterweight Pac moved around the ring while throwing 100 hard punches a round from the outside at weird angles.....pretty unique.
Three guys you've probably never heard group together stylistically..... Ray Robinson, welterweight Manny Pacquiao, Joe Slapfaggy - the only three guys I can think of who regularly threw 90-110 punches a round from range and combined with movement.
1st of All, Thanks for Posting, Mr. Van Klaveren:dancingBaby:... WELL SCHOOLED Guys Don't Count... Like Floyd, Toney has More of an OLD SCHOOL, LEARNED Style, that Dates Back GENERATIONS...Floyd's More ATHLETICALLY Based than Toney, but it's Still There...Toney was Shoulder Rolling PRIOR to Floyd...Utilizing the Jab, Keeping the Chin Tucked, Parrying, Parry-Counter Tactics...Those are All OLD SCHOOL Traits... There's a Strong FUNDAMENTAL Base to what Guys like Toney, Floyd & Bernard Do...They were TAUGHT...WELL... REED:shadow:
Thats my point, I dont care how many hours you put in, your average joe will never look like Toney does in the ring, no mather how well he is taught/schooled, he misses that sheer/pure intrinsic factor. Like you said: "anyone who exploits extraordinary physical advantages counts" Somehow I feel this also goes for a Toney. For example Toney's extreme relaxation in the ring, can that be taught? It all comes so natural to him.
But im looking at it wrong, and Toney is ofcourse a superior student of the game, its probably my own frustatration, ive been boxing since I was 15, and I still look like a stiff all of the time.
I don't think that can be taught. Ali had a completely different style but appeared just as relaxed. However I think Toney's techniques can be taught, and if you could utilize them even 50% as well you'd probably be a pretty relaxed fighter.
Relaxation can't be taught but i think it can be 'learned' if you spend the thousands of hours of sparring a guy like Toney did. I'm not sure where that fits in this thread. I hate these 'talent vs skill' threads.....it's such a blurry spectrum between them in the first place then the thread question's always so vague. It always ends up as page after page of people talking at cross purposes
Floyd & Hopkins are both the worst possible examples, they are two of the best schooled fighters of the past 50 years
Yeah, but Toney's STYLE in and of itself is taught. The relaxation is not. But he's not doing something that can't be taught. I think in my mind that this thread is about guys who fight in an unconventional or "incorrect" fashion & still have success with it. eg: Jones Jr, Ali, Hamed.