So do I. Ingle has made his entire career out of teaching people to fight like that; it's just that Naz had freakish power to really accentuate the style. MTF
two awful examples Both were textbook examplars of particular styles... Toney of the shell defense/largely stationary countepuncher (been around since the 40s... go watch some Archie Moore fights) and Mike Tyson of the peekaboo style (see Floyd Patterson and Jose Torres) You can't teach a guy to be as relaxed as Toney or as Fast/Powerful as Tyson, but there is nothing about their individual styles that isn't textbook stuff
I agree and disagree I agree in the sense that it's like a pitcher who has 9 different pitches he likes to throw instead of 3 or 4 and throws them with several different motions and arm angles... Combining it all like that is unusual and difficult for most to do... However, Augustus wasn't doing any individual things that were unorthodox, it was just a bag of tricks and techniques that have been around for years and carried in the bags of "crafty" fighters... Whta makes him odd is the times he chooses to use some of these techniques