easy fight in December/January against a name, smaller opponent(Berto) .....then Cotto or Pacquiao in May 5 weekend...most likely Cotto(safer)...
Jesus Christ, I hope not Berto. I was never a Berto fan, but the guy needs to retire. He's already punchy. Canelo beating him down would put him closer into the world of brain damage. I have a feeling his comeback fight might be Ortiz. Doesn't Victoria return in the next few months? Should he win, then I think they'll bring him back against Ortiz. That's an easy KO win for Canelo against a guy with mainstream recognition. After that, I think he'll likely fight Cotto next spring, assuming Miggy gets passed Delvin.
The Sky is STILL the Limit for Canelo...He's LESS than 2 Months Removed from his 23rd Birthday... He DIDN'T Disgrace Himself Last Night, he Simply Got Outclassed by 1 of THE Best Fighters who Ever Lived...No Harm in that... Cotto Would Be a Good Fight for Canelo...Molina Might Pose Some Stylistic Issues, but if Canelo Wanted to Pick up an Easy Belt, There ya Go...Stay Away from Lara, Not Because Canelo Couldn't Beat Him, but Because it's DOUBTFUL Canelo Would Look GOOD Against Him, Even in Winning... Like Floyd, Canelo is Bound to Showtime, so a GGG Fight (While Intriguing) AIN'T Happening...Canelo-Martinez Makes Sense, if Floyd Doesn't Scoop him Up 1st...If Canelo Wants a Showcase Fight for his Return, Go for Ishe Smith or K9 Bundrage... REED:mj:
No, stay away from Lara because there's a pretty good goddamn chance Canelo would get stopped. Lara ain't Floyd, BUT his straight left is deadly, when he actually lets it go. With Canelo's leaky D, I could very well see him walking into a Lara counter he never sees. Lara has all the tools to beat Canelo, all that's missing is some passion. A Canelo fight might very well bring out the right motivation for him.
Fuck that if I'm managing Canelo I say find the next biggest name available. He gotta get his juice back. Let everyone know that his first lost wasn't shit and that he still is a major player in the division. No way in hell I would play it safe. I'll Holla 5000
If I managed Canelo I'd have him think about opening a taco stand in Tijuana but serve all our tacos with those red taco shells
Canelo showed saturday night that they're still a lot of holes in his game. Luckily, he's only 23 so he got plenty of time to try and patch them. Still, if I'm managing him, I put him vs a couple of limited brawler next. A guy like Lara would beat him up untill he improves his D, so that's a fight you definitively avoid. A guy like Bundrage would be good for his comeback, not to low of an opponent so that you can't sell it, but not high enough so that the upset is a real possibility. Then I'd fight an Ishe Smith, who's tricky but has kind of a loser mentality, to see if the improvement were working on in the gym are being implemented. An Angulo fight would be good for the fans but probably has too much risks for the taste of his handlers.
I'm sorry, but after 42 fights, a fighter basically is what he is. I don't expect Canelo to improve too much. He's in his prime right now. Ya'll are acting like he has all this skill and talent to fall back on to improve, when he doesn't.
This. Canelo should take advantage of the exposure from the Floyd fight and fight the best names available. Plus, it's not like he took a thorough beating last saturday, he doesn't need a softie.
Not true at all. When a guy is 23, most of his fights have been in lower level and has very little amateur career, hell yes he can and probably will improve even though the number of fights is high. Especially a guy like him who relies mostly on physical strength and not his speed and reaction time will improve when he gets more training years and power, learns tricks about cutting off the ring and sees punches even better. In two years he will be a better fighter, though very likely he will never be good enough to beat Floyd.
Canelo CAN Get Better... He's Just 23 & HASN'T Been Beaten Up, Bro...REED Doubts he's IN his Prime Right Now; If So, it's the VERY BEGINNING of his Prime...Canelo DOES have Skillful Elements & Talent to Fall Back On...He May or May Not Need a NEW Trainer, @ Some Point, but REED Doesn't Think Canelo is ALREADY as Good as he'll Ever Be... In & Of Itself, 42 Fights ISN'T an Indicator that You're In Your Prime...Especially when you Turned Pro @ 15... REED:hammert:
Learning to cut off the ring is one thing, but you do need a certain of foot quickness to do that, and Canelo doesn't have it. Power, and "seeing" punches are two things you either have or you don't. Canelo HAS power, just not devastating power. And he'll never be a devastating puncher. A good one, not a great one. And you can't really learn to see punches. It's just an innate ability you're born with, that Canelo doesn't really have.
I totally disagree with that TBH. For example Floyd himself has developed in this regard. Earlier in his career he used more footwork to avoid punches: now that he sees them even better he is able to slip them by inches. Lennox Lewis was another: he got hit lot less late in his career. Also, it often takes years to find the best strategy and battle of plan for a fighter. It could be for example that Alvarez develops a better jab which enables him to be more effective overall. Fighters do develop during their career, especially the youngsters. Guys like Tyson are exception, not the rule
Canelo doesn't have Lewis' natural talent, and DAMN SURE doesn't have Floyd's. I think you guys are overestimating his ability.
No One's Saying Canelo is a Lennox or Floyd Level Talent...But he's Not DEVOID of Skill or Talent Either...He Has Good Power, Pretty Good Handspeed, Works the Body Well, Puts Together GOOD Combinations... Taking Floyd OUT of the Equation, Canelo's Probably 50-50 or BETTER, vs. Anybody Else on the Planet Right Now, 147-160...That's BASED on his Skill & Talent... REED:hammert:
Floyd is the only excellent fighter at 147 or above... Not being able to beat him means nothing... Canelo can still beat the other 154 guys...
Canelo will go straight to pick an easy belt against Molina who showed nothing against Smith. A belt on his waist gives him more pool than just 'former champion'. Then he will go after some big payday against Cotto which will be an easy win too and will inflate his record and bank account. And finally if the PPV numbers were as big as predicted, expect a rematch with Floyd on May 2014.
REED, at 147 Canelo beats anyone else besides Floyd (and possibly Pac). At 154, I'd make him a SLIGHT underdog against Lara. I think if motivated, Lara has all the tools to beat Canelo. At 160, he gets killed by GGG. Golov is just bigger, stronger, far more powerful, and more skilled/sophisticated. He also loses to Martinez at 160, provided Serg has one more good performance left in him.
Canelo ISN'T Daniel Rosado, Bruh...Based on WHO GGG's Fought, it's PURE Speculation to Say he'd "Kill" Canelo... GGG just MIGHT Be the Goods, but as of Now, he's Fought NATHAN But Guys who were INTENDED to Be Showcase Opponents for Him...@ 23, Canelo's Unquestionably MORE PROVEN than GGG...Canelo's a BETTER Puncher than Anybody GGG's Faced as Well... Canelo BEATS the Version of Martinez We've Seen, in his Last 2-3 Fights... Like REED Said, Canelo's Probably 50-50 or Better w/ANYBODY from 147-160, Other than Floyd... REED:hammert:
I don't see how Canelo is any more proven... He's got one win over a live body and it was a very close fight with outrageous open scoring that no doubt caused his opponent to alter tactics because he couldn't win fairly Seriously, who has this guy fought? There are guys here saying "any great fighter would beat Canelo" ... Great fighter??? How about merely a GOOD fighter?
A shot and deteriorated Miguel Cotto gave Fraud F*ckweather a much much better fight than this Canelo faggot did. Fraud looked like he'd been in a car crash when shot Cotto was done with him. ::