Dan Rafael <s style="text-decoration: none; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); ">@</s>danrafaelespn<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px; ">10m</small> Whatever the PPV buy number for <s style="text-decoration: none; color: rgb(102, 181, 210); ">#</s>theone it will shatter the money record set by Floyd-Oscar, meaning roughly more than $140M in PPV $ Dan Rafael <s style="text-decoration: none; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); ">@</s>danrafaelespn<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px; ">13m</small> No official numbers yet on <s style="text-decoration: none; color: rgb(102, 181, 210); ">#</s>theone but multiple sources in PPV industry & involved say fight is going well over 2M buys w/ shot at record
Who Cares if the Fight Sucked???... Floyd-Dela SUCKED...Dela-Trinidad SUCKED, Until Dela Got ROBBED @ the End...Tyson-Holyfield II was INCONCLUSIVE @ Best...These are THE BIGGEST PPV's Ever... Shit Happens... REED
I'm saying it's unfortunate that so many people tuned in, and it was a one sided schooling (with a sprinkle of good ol' incompetent judging) It would have been better for the sport if the fight was great. It was a great forum to display what a great sport it is but Canelo didn't live up to his end of the deal.
Agreed. Most every fight on a big platform with many casual viewers tuning in ends up being complete dogsh*t.
Canelo shoulda quit in his corner after 2 rounds, or hit Floyd low until he got DQ'd. Fight would have been far more worth the buy then.
Just so people know, the fight didn't draw largely boxing fans. Social media is the main reason this sh*t fight and Fagweather is drawing so much attention. He's got teen heartthrob Justin Beiber and countless other celebrities hyping the fight to their tens of millions of fans and followers through social media (Facebook and their legions of Twitter followers). People are being suckered in and plunking down the cash and then regretting it at the end when they see this little black bitch is about as entertaining as watching sh*t swirling in a toilet bowl. ::
agREED, but that's the Risk You Run in Combative Sports...The Element of Surprise is ALWAYS There, Regardless...Sometimes You Order a PPV & Get Tyson-Seldon...Other Times, You Get Pac-Hatton... Even in MMA, How EXCITING is your Typical GSP PPV Fight???... REED
He's got "friends" in the right places. One tweet from Beiber and you got a f*ckload of new followers.
Are You Denying WATCHING the Fight YOURSELF, Hanz???...Of Course You Did....Fuuuurthermore, the Only Thing WORSE than People Buying Boxing PPV's are People who COMPLAIN about People Buying Boxing PPV's... Live, LET Live & SHUTthefuckUP.... REED
if mayweather jr hadnt runned all night it woulda been a much more action packed evening for those 2.36+ million homes that ordered this bout
The Garcia vs Mathysse was a damn good fight worth paying for. Too bad the bouts before and after it sucked big time.
So Did REED... It's WELL Documented REED DETESTS the Way Floyd CARRIES Himself...Nonetheless, on Fightnight, that Motherfucker CONTINUES to Amaze REED...Canelo was SUPPOSED to Challenge Floyd, @ Least SOMEWHAT...& Canelo's Still GOING to Be a World Class Fighting FORCE for the Next 8-10 Years, Watch & See... Yes, Floyd's Cherrypicked QUITE a Bit, but Canelo was a Guy he was All But FORCED Into Fighting...As CREDIBLE a Guy as he Could've Faced, Under the Circumstances...Younger, Bigger, Stronger, All TRUE...& he Took him Apart Effortlessly... There's NATHAN "Scary" or "Threatening" about Floyd Mayweather...Nonetheless, he's a Skillful BADASS in the Pugilistic Arts...More TECHNICALLY Sound than your Ali's or Roy Jones', More ATHLETIC than your BHop's or James Toney's...Floyd's a Fucking TREAT to Watch, Undeniably... REED
Very well put Reed. I watched that shit and I predicted a win by Canelo for the very reasons you mention. I enjoyed the fight to the fullest and Canelo was 1 right hand or lft hook away from putting Mayweather to sleep. It just so happens that Mayweather appears to b getting better and better. The bigger the challenge the greater he becomes. I'll Holla 5000
I saw the last 2 rounds when I got home from a birthday party. I was hoping it would've been Floyd being carried out into an ambulance but oh well.
GSP is the most boring motherf*cker walking the earth. I'm so sick of that guy. I wish somebody would knock the f*cker into next week but he's too much of a clinging bitch to engage.
I really don't understand your fascination with this Canelo cat. You're acting like he's beaten the greatest fighters in the history of the sport leading up. All I saw on his resume was a shot old Mosley and that clown Cintron. The rest is junk!
Canelo was the best fight Mayweather could've made after Pacquiao went nite..nite... Canelo hasn't fought anyone prime or worth a damn......but this victory for Floyd might be one that 5-10 years from now might belong in the "Good wins at the time, better wins in hindsight"........
Canelo was the best fight Mayweather could've made after Pacquiao went nite..nite... Canelo hasn't fought anyone prime or worth a damn......but this victory for Floyd might be one that 5-10 years from now might belong in the "Good wins at the time, better wins in hindsight"........thread.
It was fun watching one of the last great technicians north of Featherweight do a paint job on another young guy who doesn't know what he's doing... I enjoyed Floyd's performance
Uh, no, it really wasn't. You can't complain about the Floyd fight and say the Garcia one was better. Garcia didn't run like some inaccurately claim Floyd did, but he sure as hell was clinching like a Klitchko. IMO the Garcia fight was similar to Floyd's except instead of a world class fighter (Floyd) fighting a decent unskilled champion (Canelo) you had a mediocre fighter (Garcia) fighting a really really unskilled fighter (Mathysse). At least Floyd gave us a nice showing of skill and talent, in his ability to out-think and frustrate Canelo, all while showing amazing speed and reflexes in both his defense and offense. But no, too many people take that stuff for granted then try to sell us on lesser boxer's fights being better. I'm sorry but I ain't buying. The Floyd fight was better, by far. Um, another bogus claim. Actually Canelo caught Floyd clear on the chin maybe a couple times and it didn't budge him. It maybe means Canelo's power is overrated, Floyd's chin is underrated or both. Either way there was nothing in that fight to make me think Canelo was one punch away from a KO.
Has Floyd's prior PPV's been pulling in big numbers because I've really been wondering how he's been able to get himself 30 & 40 million fight deals along with PPV percentages too. It's almost like he owns PPV or that he's going in telling them what they're going to make off of it after he's taken his share.