St Pierre showed a ton of heart and why he's champion in finishing strong in round 5. However, he didn't really win rounds 1,2 or 4. It's hilarious he kept his title based on the fact that 2 judges gave him the first round.
Just watched Hewani's interview with Dana White after the fight. Dana was acting like this was Whitaker-Ramirez type of robbery. He said he only gave GSP round 3? LOL. Round 5 was GSP's best round.
I don't know what is the big personnal issue that GSP was talking about but I got to say, it' s kind of annoying to alway's hear him hint at retiring. If he wants to take a sabbatical from the UFC, I feel the least he could do is give a more specific answer than personal issue. No need to go into the details but just something a less generic.
Very close fight. Really depends who you think won round 2. I think GSP won rounds 3 and 5, and Hendricks 1 and 4. I'd have to watch round 2 again. Hendricks is a fuck load better than I expected. I thought he was kind of basic and Joosp would dominate.
Dana White is being such a crybaby over this. Hilarious. Dana threw GSP under the bus as soon as he said he would retire. If GSP continued fighting, Dana would just say it was a close fight and let's have a rematch.
Dana is a bitch. GSP made them more money than anyone and now this is the treatment he gets? Like Joe King said, I bet it's because GSP wants to "retire". Fight was a toss up, and when it's a toss up it goes to the champion just like it should. Dana is a POS.
Has anyone heard a post fight interview from Rory ? That guy should be on a suicide watch, he seems like he's not all mentally there. He gave that fight away, by doing nothing in round 1. He played right into Lawler's strengths, he should have used his wrestling more. I guess Rory is not the next best thing.
haha...I think it was you and me who were arguing about who was the better mma wrestler a while ago, right? I thought Hendricks did out-wrestle GSP in this fight, but it wasn't exactly conclusive since they both got things done offensively and defensively in the wrestling department. I was actually expecting you to claim they were equal which is something I didn't really agree with, but was plausible all the same. GSP's wrestling is a bigger part of his game than it is for Hendricks and GSP has used it effectively against many opponents whereas Hendricks really hasn't so I suppose the jury is still out. GSP's standup game is so much more refined than Hendricks' is. Hendricks can be very effective and he has a lot of good instincts as to when to throw certain punches or knees, but he's not nearly as fluid as GSP. Hendricks appears to have a real advantage in power and GSP has a clear advantage in kicking and punching technique. As good as Hendricks is right now, he's still got a lot of room for improvement. Strategically, he probably should have used even more wrestling against GSP and never should have let him stand up when he was controlling him on the ground and skill-wise he needs to up his kick game. The second round seems to be the deciding round. Was it for the judges? I wasn't scoring super closely, but I did think Hendricks was doing maybe a tick better until they showed the punch stats and it showed GSP having an advantage in that I ended up giving that round to GSP close and thus the fight. I didn't stick around for the post-fight. Was there not talk of a rematch? Just like Jones/Gus, this fight seems really ripe for a rematch.
THe tap copntroversy is the most ridiculous argument i've seen. Hendricks wasn't even close to tapping
Nah, he definitely did. was pushing up against the cage AT WILL. I was just saying that im shocked GSP got more takedowns.
yup. Dana was acting fucking strange last night. Honestly, it almost felt like Dana was scared that maybe GSP was jumping ship or something the way he was going on and on. And the technical difficulties during the press conference odd right when GSP showed up
It seems like he had a speech in mind to give and completely forgot what to say. But according to Dana, he spoke to GSP after the presser and said he feels better now.
Dana should ALWAYS wait before speaking after events. He actually said GSP owes it to the UFC to rematch Hendricks. WTF? Has anyone sold more PPV and tickets than GSP? And the dude has fought everyone they've thrown at him. If anything, the UFC owes GSP. Specifically Dana White owes him enough respect to keep his mouth shut until AFTER talking with GSP directly.
Those knees to the legs of GSP really sapped his mobility, very smart strategy. Bet GSP can't walk right now.
Not only that, GSP owes it but Jon Jones doesnt? Get the fuck out of here Dana. The Jones vs. Gus fight was closer IMO.
Yeah , GSP even looked bad after Diaz who barely touched him. And agree, Jones-Gustaffson was closer.
Jones Gustaffson was on the other side of close, though. I think more people thought Gustaffson deserved the decision against Jones than think Hendricks did against GSP.
The media had it overwhelmingly in favor of Hendricks and most of it had Jones winning but it was more split. So yes, Gus-Jones was closer than GSP-Hendricks, but that's because Hendricks was the clearest winner of the 2 fights, not the other way around.
sorry brother. The Jones vs. Gus fight, practically every round could have gone either way. Do you yourself a favor and stop using other people's eyes and just stick with yours.
Well Hendricks is a southpaw so I knew he wasn't going to just get jabbed to death like Koscheck...he's also just a generally better striker than Koscheck who pretty much only throws overhand rights and nothing else...while flatfooted at that. Hendricks has handspeed and a bit of a variety and his head movement wasnt terrible....not great but good enough. People also respect his power. And people thinking GSP was going to dominate in the wrestling was people greatly overrating GSP... Also GSP is not as athletic as he used to be.
I think GSP has the best MMA wrestling in history. It would be difficult to OVERrate him in that category. Hendricks proved striking and wrestling feed each other in MMA.
Not quite. He is saying the GSP vs. Hendricks fight wasnt close at all. But even if you had Hendricks winning 3 rounds and GSP winning 2, that is close. with Gus vs. Jones, practically each round was difficult to score.
All that being said, yes GSP landed some nice jabs to Hendricks. Hendricks landed some good hard shots to the dome of GSP, but many of Hendricks' landed strikes were knees to the thigh.