Rios did better, but still Pac's round Pac's reaction to the occasional sustained bursts from Rios is a little troubling... He just covers up, no countering
No countering...and even when he is attacking he is very gentle(by pac standards) about it..he just seems to be touching Rios...not loading up on any one shot..
could be, man But I have never seen him react that way... makes me think the previous fight is in his mind a bit
I'm with ROY...I don't like Pacquiao body language....Pac isn't smiling...he just working he want to be done with it...and it seems Rios isn't going anywhere...
I agree Pac is beating the shit out of him and keeping him bottled up for the most part, but he does not like it when Rios gets his shots in
This guy isn't competitive. Rios was just lucky he partially blocked that punch and that it landed high rather than on the chin. It was incredibly forceful and Rios didn't see it. Rios isn't anywhere near this level and it's very apparent.