notice how Floyd is holding a stack of cash, while Manny is holding what appears to be a muthafuckin' FLIP PHONE
it may have been funny if Pac didn't agree to a 55-45 split in Foyd favor. Scratch that, even then it would have been retarded. Ridiculous how Floyd seems to be proud to have sabotage the biggest fight in recent years.
Pacman should have taken the 40 mill. Then if Pacman won, he could demand the bigger purse in a rematch.
At that time Pacquiao was considered as big a star as Floyd. Why he should had taken less? If it was Floyd the one who was knocked out by someone else then people might be saying Floyd was dumb for not taking the 50/50 split.
i was just looking around at Floyds twitter account the whole thing has to be some sort of pr scheme to make people hate him...there isn't another explanation :dunno:
maybe he's just really that awful His dad and his Uncle Rog are two of the most miserable bastards on the planet
REED Isn't Trippin' on Whether Manny Pacquiao is Floyd's NEXT Opponent, However, KNOWING Floyd is Only 2 Bouts Deeeeeeeeep into his 6 Fight Contract w/Showtime, he'd BETTER Share a Ring w/Pac Before that Contract's OVER... On a MONTHLY Basis, REED has to Educate IGNORANT, So-Called "Boxing Fans" that he Encounters, in his NON-Internet Related Life...Most are Completely OBLIVIOUS to How the Floyd-Pac Shit ACTUALLY Broke Down... Floyd Mayweather is FRONT & CENTER, or Should Be, when Pondering WHY the BIGGEST Fight in Boxing History NEVER Materialized....Even NOW, when he has ALL the Leverage, Floyd's STILL Trippin... Floyd May Retire as THE ONLY Great Fighter in History w/Such an OBVIOUS Opponent In his REALISTIC, Mainstream, "Big Fight" Midst, that he Straight Up did ANYTHING he Could to AVOID Fighting... REEDopcorn:
w/Out ReHashing EVERY Step, Manny Eventually ACQUIESCED to EVERY SINGLE Demand Floyd Had, INCLUDING Purse Parity... Motherfucker Still DIDN'T/DOESN'T Want to Fight... REED:shit:
the needles, tests, purse, etc are all irrelevant. if bob arum is involved and making money off the promotion then it wont happen.
Without agreeing or disagreeing with Floyd....He hates Arum with a passion. I think he would cut his right arm off if it meant Arum had to wipe his ass with the other hand. I do think Floyd would fight Manny if he left Arum.... Something Manny should do. BUT certainly Floyd has shown a carelessness regarding legacy.
not really. if you claim to be informing people then you should lay out all the facts. fact #1, mayweather jr paid 750,000 dollars to get out of his contract with bob arum, avoiding/turning down a fight with margarito that arum and media was pushing on him, so that he could face delahoya. at which point his career took off. fact #2 since then mayweather jr faced a grand total of zero fighters who had any affiliation with bob arum. fact #3 once miguel cotto and juan manuel marquez freed themselves of top rank they immediately got fights with mayweather jr.
Neil know the game. I still feel like a guy in Floyd's position has some responsibility to the sport tho and in 09/10 that fight was bigger than either guy. He shoulda just made the fight.
Floyd's EQUALLY Blowing Smoke Up the Asses of Casual Fans... Floyd Attended a Laker Game & Hooked Up w/Kobe Outside the Locker Room...Kobe Says, "Man, Who Else Is There to Fight? You've Beaten Everybody Out There, Right?" Floyd Responds, "Yeah, but I'm Sure they'll Try to Find Somebody Else." :shit: What Other Fighter, in HISTORY, has Had Such an OBVIOUS, MAINSTREAM, MARQUEE Opponent in their Midst, that they NEGLECTED to Fight???...@ this Point, Pac & Arum are PREPARED to Take it Up the Ass @ the Negotiating Table, yet Floyd Still WON'T Entertain the Thought... Fuck That... REED:boohoo:
if pacquiao wants the fight he can stop re-upping with arum. easy as that, and he'll make waaaay more money without having to give millions to a guy who is not even needed in the promotion. why do you even still care to see this bullshit fight? if you want to see mayweather jr in interesting fights where he may lose then you should be hoping to see him vs kirkland, lara, golovkin, quillin
THIS!!!... In 20 Years, NOBODY Will Give a Fuck about Floyd Having an Axe to Grind w/a Promoter, but REED Guarantee's Pac's Name will STILL Be Mentioned in Conjunction w/Floyd's by Then... Like You Said, he Shoulda just MADE the Fucking Fight... REED:hammert:
in 20 years I'll be more disappointed mayweather jr avoided mosley when both were undefeated in 1998. the fact that mosley's name appears on his resumé wont mean shit to me.
What Business is it of Floyd's, who Pac Affiliates Himself w/?...That's about the LAMEST Shit REED's Ever Heard, Absolving a Guy from Fighting Another Guy... You & REED BOTH Know there's No Chance in Hell, that Floyd's Cherrypicking Ass Will Face Kirkland, Lara, GGG or Kid Chocolate...Or Martinez for that Matter...Given All that, the Biggest WELTERWEIGHT Name Out There is CLEARLY Manny Pacquiao... STILL.... REED:hammert:
its not only pacquiao. he wont face ANYone affiliated with arum. plenty of guys take such stances. guys wouldnt want to fuck with don king i know there is a better chance mayweather jr faces one of the aforementioned 4 guys than ANY top rank fighter.
Floyd has clearly shown all and sundry that he has the superior intellect and business brain. The rest is just egregious hating.
I'm with Neil here. And yeah, the fight would've been huge in 09-10, but now? I said back then that there was a reason Pac avoided guys who had good right hands, and that Floyd would destroy him. He struggled with and then got KO'd by a smaller, slower, weaker-punching, weaker-chinned fighter in JMM. Floyd would've chewed him up and shit him out at any point in their respective careers. And at this point, Amir Khan would probably give Floyd more trouble than Pacquiao.