She's one of those people that at first you find funny and charming but then they proceed to beat the act into the ground and do the same shtick over, and over, and over, and over, and OVER again until you can't fucking take it anymore. That's Ronda for you.
No not the whole thing, she does seem to be a cunt in general. She seems like one of those people that if she's your neighbor and you get a fancy new car, she would go insane, talk to shit about you, stay up all night figuring out how A. make money to buy a BETTER one or B. figuring out how to destroy yours. That's not a competitive spirit, that's just being a cunt. She hates Misha because she is indeed hotter, and it drives her nuts.
If you watched the whole of TUF, surely you realise it is largely an act? She's absurd. She has the mean mug and strut of a 5 year old, it's almost comical, what with the kicking doors open etc. No one is really like that, it's fake. I think a lot of the bullshit she came out with to the cameras was fake too.
It's Funny YOU Started this Thread, because the 1st Time REED EVER Saw a Pic of Ronda Rousey was in 1 of YOUR Old Sigs::...
Annoying or Not, REED DOESN'T Think it's an Act or Anything Contrived on Ronda's Part...Watch ANY 3-5 Minute Clip of Her Mother & You'll SEE Where She Gets the Combativeness From...
Absolutely. I guarantee you that her mom was Ronda x 10 back when she became the 1st US female to win a Judo World Championship. I think they both got off on the fact that they were going against the grain by competing at the world level in judo as Americans.
you guys can ask her mom...shes actually very nice and has a blog. She is competative as brother Reed says but also down to earth and like yours truly takes the time to teach martial arts to public school youth. And you can trust me that there are no accolydes, no celebrity martial artists and martial arts snobs congradulating one when he/she is teaching in this environment...It takes dedication and a real respect and love for children.