temple shot with the left hook before the right hand landed on the guard mostly. I am not 100% sure it was a dive.
This is what makes it worse, Scott did well against Chisora and lost controversially and drew with Glazkov who just beat Adamek yet he didn't even try here and took an obvious dive. Either he was scared shitless or got the biggest purse of his life but he didn't even try to make it look believable. Shameful
Was that Neils point :: or was he just trying to put down Glazkov and Adamek despite their having fuck all to do with this sham ::
I salute your Nordic persistence in the face of mindless trolling. :bears: Deontay "Segundo Carnera" Wilder
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It was not a clear dive. these temple shots are impossible to assess and the left hook clearly had some impact and was placed perfectly. You cannot scream dive like some moron and compare it to the force usually needed to knock someone out when punching the chin. At least Ugo should know this...
I admit I made a quick judgement, and not least because I made a small bet on Scott :::scared2: Yes, temple shots are often weird and for example Thompson vs Price I looked like a dive too even though it obviously wasn't. That said, this left hook still doesn't LOOK like a punch that would make a guy take a full count. It landed well but there was little leverage behind it. Also before the punch, Scott didn't look like a guy who was trying. Perhaps he was waiting for later rounds but he threw one punch which was two feet short
Wasn't a 'dive' - the KD was legit - but I think its fair to say he could have tried harder to get back up
This had all the clear signs of a dive. Do nothing until the other guy lands anything at all remotely close to a punch, go down, and start acting as hard as you can that you're trying to get up as hard as you can. Collect pay, rinse, wash, repeat. On top of it all they're buddies. Then to insult our intelligence we gotta listen to Wilder say how he knocks people out just by hitting their gloves....gtfo
Well Scott isn't known to be a workrate monster and facing the hardest puncher of his career it didn't come to a big surprise to me that he would wait to engage first. If he had a strategy it would have been to make Wilder miss and tire him a bit and then try to open up later.
Guy looked clear eyed and there didn't look to be anything on that punch. It looked like an arm punch.
Seems like a dive to me. Anyway, Scott has proven to be an unambitious joke throughout his career. Usually, when a guy fights bums after bums and seems in no hurry to prove himself, it's either because he has something to hide (a shaky chin for example) or simply because he doesn't have the heart to be a real fighter (as in, fighting someone on your level, not some overmatched fools). Scott obviously doesn't have a fighter's heart and his boxing career was, imo, more of a way to make some small money and give himself a reputation in his hood.