Pre-fight controversy...
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Controversy? Yes, Everlast, the johnny come lately of boxing equipment. Floyd don't want to fight with Everlast gloves, that's all there is to it. He want's Maidana to fight with the pillows he has to use, because Floyd has hand problems. Floyd just wants a level playing field? I crack up every time he's said that over the past 10 years or so. "Put 'em in MY gloves", "Make him come DOWN to my weight", "make him come UP to my weight". That's Floyd's level playing field. :shit:
Yeah, you know, people with INFLUENCE. Listen, this is assault. They tried to Billy Collins this prood young man. Maidana should be in jail.
What a bitch Mayweather is. He's not satisfied with fighting a guy that is taylor-made, he wants to make him wear the pillow he wears to protect his brittle hands. This guy has no shame.
Yeah there was, it was just slightly differently then in Floyd's own hand protecting gloves. They opened a couple different pairs right out of the shrink wrap. Floyd just don't want Maidana to use the Everlast gloves. Either he's afraid of Maidana's power wearing his normal gloves..........or he has a promotional deal to milk some money out of a different glove maker. Either one is pretty scummy.
Floyd always playing for the advanta............I mean, "fair play", no matter how easily he should dominate the guy.
More Mayweather bullshit. Remember a White Heavyweight asked for the gloves to be weighed before a big fight and a Black Commissioner said it was "Bullshit"
The fight will go on. Maidana will wear Everlast. This doesn't look good for the A side. What's next? What kind of legal punches he can or not throw? "Put him on the same shit as me" Floyd said. "Fight with these(Everlast) then" Garcia Again the B side is making $1.5 mil!!!
Ohh hell NO....this is bullshit..they open a brand new pair of glove......the padding they come with is the padding...that it...FUCK....FLOYD is really scared of Maidana's power??? He is going to fight in the same shit I fight mean those PILLOWS?
Brilliant article, sums up the entire thing.
Yeah whatever advantage they were trying to gain, Garcia could go right back to Chino and say they are very afraid of your power and style. None of this is relevant though . Just drummed up controversy to push up numbers for the mismatch. Abortion is another one. The only consistency is they are possible excuses if the impossible happens.
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"Moving forward, this will set the precidensssssssss" What a stupid cunt. Do these guys ever listen to themselves.....
Some lazy little fucker in a sweatshop in Thailand or Pakistan or Mexico did not do his or her or its job and Lennard Ellerbee is most egregiously concerned but FLOYD GONE WHIP HIS ASS ANYWAYS but there was no padding in the front of the glove it was all knuckle and there is life after boxing but FLOYD GONE WHIP HIS ASS ANYWAYS but this sess the precidenssss and and and and ...... .....I reckon Ellerbee has at best an 8th grade education, I don't give a fuck what Deeplomaz he has or what they say, This fucking schlep thinks Enid Blyton is related to Enid Body.