Props to Marcos Maidana... He Fought a MUCH Better Fight & was Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay More COMPETITIVE than REED (or Floyd) Anticipated...Floyd SAID he was Trying to Make the Fight "Exciting for the Fans", but Fightbeaters KNOW that's Bullshit... Maidana STAYED in Floyd's Chest, Floyd COULDN'T Deter Him & What REALLY Stood Out to REED was Floyd's INABILITY to Dictate the DISTANCE they Fought @...He Simply COULD NOT Keep Maidana Off or Away from Him...It's as if his Legs AGED Overnight... The Fight was ARGUABLY a Draw, in REED's Opinion...THE WORST Floyd's Ever Looked... Is Father Time FINALLY Catching Up w/"Money" May???...Could he Do Anything DIFFERENT in a RE???...Will his Body ALLOW him To???... w/3 Fights Remaining on the Showtime Contract, is Floyd's Precious 0 in JEOPARDY???...The Floyd from Last Saturday has a TOUGH Fight in a RE w/Maidana, Has a Difficult Time w/Amir Khan (Who Looked VERY Good Saturday) & Probably LOSES to Pacquiao... REED
Maidana could get better for the rematch and knows what kind of FIGHTER Floyd is. They went 12 already. Knows what works and what doesn't. Khan has activity going for him and his wrestling head lock skills but he doesn't belong in the ring with AEP... Anyone except Pacquaio who has unfinished business with Marquez.
we are having this discussion right now in
He's 37, duh! The fact that anybody thought he was STILL in his prime was a joke. Yet I often heard people say "He's improved with age. He's at his best now." False. Floyd's peak was like 04-07. I would argue that the Philip Ndou fight was possibly as GOOD as he ever was. I think his peak ran up until the Hatton fight. The Floyd of the Hatton fight would have lit Maidana up like a Xmas tree. He's in decline, and it's not even up for debate.
Mayweather is at least as good a welterweight now as when he first moved up to the weight, imo. Unless he's aged significantly since the Alvarez & Guerrero fights.
No, Stevie Wonder could see that he was better in the Hatton fight than he is today. He had EVERY bit the skill, intelligence, and toughness then as he has now, and he was still a relatively young man then with all his physical abilities.
Yeah Floyd has been showing his age for a while now. Bu the Maidana fight CRYSTALLIZED his decline. Its obvious that he's not as fast as he once was. His reflexes have slowed down a bit, and his workrate has definitely dipped. I think he beats Maidana in a rematch, and he still has too much experience and skill for Khan. But fights with Pacquiao or Martinez are dangerous for him at this point and it does indeed put his "0" at risk.
Floyd is also vicious off the ropes with short counter shots up and downstairs. Maidana is that rough. There is no better FIGHTER at using God given talent then Floyd. Shoulder roll, bending to avoid punches and those reflexes, just phenomenal. The only knock on him is the dodging, other than that a great FIGHTER.
I don't think Stevie could have seen anything until he got in with Maidana. One bird in tights does not a winter make. We'll see what the next fight looks like.
IMO.....Floyd 1st underestimated Maidana ...Floyd thought he was once again going to fight a natural smaller man(Ortiz,Guerrero,Marquez) coming up or just 1-2 fight deep at Welterweight...then Maidana came in at 165lbs...and USED IT for his advantage... ....Floyd knew that Maidana was going to come out like a MANIAC..but that after 3-4 rounds his attack will subside...once that happen Floyd would completely dominate the fight...that NEVER HAPPEN...Maidana took a few rounds off...but usually came back more violent... .....Maidana had NO RESPECT or FEAR of MAYWEATHER...NONE!!!... ....Maidana applied the game plan us HERE say you have to use if you want to beat Mayweather...stay on him...don't let him breath...just hit him everywhere...but you need the stamina to do it...and the CHIN to take those counters....**that why Its only been my opinion even though he was a cheating BUM...Margarito would have been a nightmare for FLOYD...even a prime at his best 2004-2008 FLOYD...." ....but even with all the success Maidana have..I don't want a rematch...I want to see Floyd vs. Martinez(if he beats Cotto)...vs. Pacquiao....NOTHING else...everything else is meaningless.....KHAN is fucking GARBAGE....that philly puerto rican kid..forget his name with the cool as dad...Useless fight....Martinez at 153-154 or Pacquiao at 147....everything else is BULLSHIT...
And another thing....this bullshit talk from Mayweather that he made the fight harder on himself to give a fans a good showing...BULLLSHIT.....he used the same bullshit excuse in the Cotto fight.... When they stood in the middle of the ring...Maidana's jab was ALSO landing...Floyd had success in the middle of the ring...but Maidana would push him/pressure him into the ropes...and then pound on him there... I don't know why MAYWEATHER is complaining about the REF....the ref help him out a few times....there was time where Maidana was pounding to the body...Floyd would clinch...but Maidana would keep pounding with his free hand...under those condition there was NO need for the ref to break 'em but in more than one occasion he did....I thought the ref would only break if neither guy was punching...but when one is clinching and the other one is punching u let the action go....
I will say this much, Floyd is past his prime, but Saturday night is the perfect example of why I've always said Floyd woulda been in a world of shit against Duran. Duran would have been the worst style matchup possible for Floyd.
NO SHIT!!! Even Roger thinks so he hesitated for a second when they asked him...he got that far away stare...."DURAN!! WHAT!!" bad Elie jew ass didn't continue with the Duran talk......and you see how Roger tries to match up his Nephew against the worst version of LEONARD!!!!..."if camacho whoop his ass"...... <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
Clown in the background "Ohhh I got a good one! Floyd against Hearns!" Yeah, that'd be a great one for any Floyd hater.
I definitely thought Floyd looked human in there, if that's the right way to put it. Maidana gave him hell and Floyd struggled. Some people will say that Floyd's head wasn't right going into the fight because of his breakup with his girlfriend, but I don't buy that. Floyd knew how tough Maidana was pre-fight and I think Floyd took him seriously and was prepared for a tough fight, but I believe Floyd did not expect Maidana to test the way he did. Oh and I don't believe Floyd when he said he wanted to make the fight exciting for the fans. That's bullshit. At times he did look worried to me, especially when he got cut.
In Addition to his Decreased MOBILITY, REED's Never Seen Floyd HOLD As Much as he Did Saturday Night... REED:hammert:
Everyone who fights maidana holds like that. It's like fighting the tazmanian Devil. He didnt hold much vs. Canelo and Canelo would beat the shit out of Maidana
Maidana is an animal, when he wants to fight he's very hard to keep away. For once LOK was right, Maidana is a hungry young lion! Canelo is too methodical to make Floyd work as Maidana did but It was already apparent in that fight that Floyd was on the decline. He offered a great performance but I felt he wasn't as sharp and fast as he used to be. Even in the Cotto fight you could see that Imo.
REED Attributes it to Age Because Floyd Typically MOVES his Way Out of Trouble, as Opposed to Holding... He COULDN'T Keep Maidana Off of him and COULDN'T Stay Away from him...Floyd's LEGS Clearly Weren't the Same, Saturday Night... REED:hammert:
Nobody can do that. Maidana has no care and is reckless as fuck. It's like fighting a tornado. The man was throwing OVERHEAD rights.