I score allot of rounds even. I don't believe in aribtrarily picking winners in super close rounds. There should be more use of 10-10 rounds and 10-8 rounds.
even rounds are a good tool to allow a deserving fighter to win a fight. lets say fighter A gives fighter B a thorough one sided whipping in 5 rounds but not to the point it is a 10-8 round in any of the 5. fighter B then narrowly edges the other 7 rounds by the slimmest of margins in what are all very uneventful rounds. that guy deserves to be your winner?
ABSOfuckingLUTELY... There's Waaaaaaaaaaaaay Tooooooooooo Many Variables Involved in a Prizefight, to Disregard Even Rounds...STYLISTIC Preference is a Factor, A Person's OWN Interpretation of "Ring Generalship" Is Another...& Of Course the Ongoing Battle of What's MORE Important to Score; a Handful of Landed JABS vs. 1-2 CLEAN, HARD Shots that Conjures More of a RESPONSE from the Crowd... As You Stated, Even Rounds are ESSENTIAL in REED's Opinion... REED:hammert:
When REED Actually Takes the Time to Score a Fight, he'll Usually Score a Particular Round EVEN, Every 2-3 Bouts... REED Can't Say he's Ever Scored 3 Even Rounds in 1 Fight, but he's Tabulated 2 Even Rounds in a Bout, Probably 3-4 Times...Point Being, it's NOT Something REED Overuses, but he's NOT Afraid to Use it Either... We'll Have to SYMPATHIZE w/and SUPPORT McDogg Despite his Rainbow Colored Logic, in Regards to Even Rounds...Being GAY Doesn't Make You a BAD Person.... REED:hammert:
Unfortunately, it could conceivably happen that way But that's boxing... it is scored on a round-by-round basis so inherently the above scenario is plausible Even if you win a round by the slimmest of margins, you still won the round. I'm not going to give the other guy credit just because you only won the round small... a win is a win The reality is, though, that something like that (the above hypothetical) unfolding hardly ever happens, especially not in a 7-5 split like that How many fights are you going to see where for 5 rounds one guy shitkicks the other (though only enough to win 10-9) but does nothing in the other 7 and loses those rounds 10-9 on the basis of some decent jabs and moves from his opponent? If a guy is sporadically dominating like that, it is usually because he's put serious hurt on his opponent, in which case he will likely get some 10-8 or 10-7s in there and wind up winning the fight anyway even with the 7 lost rounds Look at Bradley/Provo... Bradley won the fight on my card, but there isn't a doubt in my mind that he took the worst of it in there... If Provo had dropped him one more time or badly hurt him in one other round, he would have won it or at worst gotten the draw... But I can't give him credit for losing the rounds he did lose, even if they were competetive... I have to give Bradley credit for what HE did, too
Agreed, I like even rounds. I think someone should really deserve a round to win it, otherwise you're just giving it to someone for the sake of it.
Exactly, Fighter A is going to be the rightful winner in anyone's right mind, Fighter B winning would be absurd because he landed 1 more punch in 7 rounds, yet in the overall fight he was outlanded 2 to 1.
Yes, & Sometimes NEITHER Man Makes Enough of an Impression to DESERVE a Particular Round...It's Really NOT Difficult Recognizing an EVEN Round, when you Come Across One... As Looooooooong as You're Not Issuing 2-3 Even Rounds PER Fight, It's All Good...Flat Out IGNORING Even Rounds Completely ISN'T Fair to Any Fighter...Sometimes a Round IS Even... REED:hammert:
IMO was not near a draw But Floyd has slowed down...no doubt Father Time is undefeated.. That said I think Floyd wins his remaining fights
I remember seeing a 117-116 card in a Johnny Nelson fight once, can't remember which one, but the funny thing is it was totally warranted. Utterly shit fight and there were many rounds neither guy deserved to win.
:: :: I can't believe the guy called himself that. It annoys me he has a win over Carl Thompson, who genuinely WAS one of the most entertaining fighters I've seen.
<iframe src="//www.youtube.com/embed/SXPrrj2jHCY" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="360" width="480"></iframe>.
agreed. Especially in rounds were not much happens, i think that even rounds are not used enough. And i think the close fight was more caused by Maidana animal style (as I said before the fight), than floyd age.
Floyd definitely won... Maidana's bull-like rushes made it seem more competitive than it really was In terms of punching someone cleanly in the face and body... Mayweather clearly won the bout