Wow, what a terrible decision, this algieri clown was running all the night. I don't think he won more than 4 rounds
Nobody says that ("kickboxers are bad at fighting") so what are you on about? the point was being made that the fighter in question may have a suspect chin ... Pretty useful information when discussing the then-upcoming fight. as for the last bit... Fighter A beats Fighter B who beats fighter C = Fighter A beats fighter C is obviously a fallacy. I suspect you are well aware of that but you're just being precious.
GGG can actually box. He won't be exposed unless he has below average intangibles which is certainly plausible given how laughably protected he's been. Kov will be exposed for sure. He's not even that good technically and already has been tested multiple times by low tier comp and was dropped by a journeyman.
You are saying that it is ME who is being precious when you know damn well the implication was that Algeri would lose because clearly a kickboxer is incapable of being competent enough to win a fistfight with a boxer....ERGO, Prov would handle him easily. You responded to my post supporting that implication when I scoffed at the idea that a kickboxer could not be reasonable capable if not, *gasp* good at hand to hand combat. Well they are. They are trained professionals just like everyone else and quite frankly the number of athletic, smart and dedicated hybrid fighters has already started to outpace the number of boxers so don't expect anything different in the future. Perhaps things were different years ago when you could not earn a living grappling or kicking, etc but now things are different
TLC is clearly on his period at the moment :: Like most of you I'd never seen this Algieri guy, but I had a strange gut feeling he'd do better than expected. Maybe just because he's a tallish boxer type, and FFH Provo doesn't exactly look great against skilled boxers.
You 2 couldn't be more wrong. Provo is clearly the worst of the 3 new Russians on the scene, the most basic and Flat Faced Heathen like. He's just fun to watch, basically. Gaybox can fight, and has skill.
This was actually the first time I saw Provo fight. I missed his fights with Bradley and Alvarado. I thought his 23-2 record wasn't great but a lot of people on fightbeat would jizz in their pants over the mere mention of his name. After the Marquez-Alvarado fight, a lot of people were saying Provo would beat the shit out of Marquez. Wow? He looked like absolute garbage tonight. I'll have to go back and see what some of you guys became so impressed by in those other fights.
Yeah he's definitely overrated by some here. I was pretty fucking surprised everyone except me and Neil were picking him to bash Marquez. I think Gay Marquez would fuck him up big style. I think it's mainly because he's fun to watch, and just a hilarious little flat faced heathen.
Which itself is almost as much fun as seeing Roberto Garcia lose. <iframe width="640" height="360" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Which itself is almost as much fun as watching Fernando Vargas lose.
No neck either. I was wondering how his head was snapping back so far with no neck to speak of. And that Franciscan monk hairdo. He's a strange looking dude. Baldomir used to trip me out too. His head was like 1.5 x the size it should have been for his body. Had he had a regular sized head, he would have been fighting at bantamweight.
Exactly... If Provo can land consistently, he can win but he's always going to have difficulty with cuties
I don't see how this debatable decision loss to a guy who never stops moving and doesn't take offensive chances has anything to do with how JMM would do... I still like the Russkie to beat him
It's a different sport. Just cause you get KO'd in kickboxing does not mean you will in boxing. More things to watch our for in kickboxing.