Like the Spurs, the Clipppers Have Toooooooooooo Much DEPTH for the Heat to Contend w/, + Miami Has NO Answer Inside for Griffin & Jordan...Not to Mention CP3 DEFECATING Upon Chalmers &/or Cole @ PG... The Heat Have MORE of a Shot @ Beating OKC, but Durant MATCHES Bron's Output, While Westbrook OUTPRODUCES Anything Else the Heat Muster... A Better Question is, What SEED Would the Heat Be in the West???... REED
All Due RESPECT to the World Champion San Antonio Spurs... This was 1 of the LEAST Competitive NBA Finals REED's Ever Witnessed...All Series Looooooooong, the Heat were Simply OUTMANNED...The Spurs Got OPEN Look After OPEN Look & they UNMERCIFULLY Piled On Point After Point After Point... In Hindsight, You Could Tell in the Game 4 Post-Game Pressers that Miami was Defeated MENTALLY...They KNEW they were Overmatched & WOULD NOT Find Answers in 2-3 Days... REED Felt BAD for Bron...He Played Game 5 Like his Life DEPENDED On It, but Had ZERO Help from his Supporting Cast...He Told his Team to "Follow My Lead", but they COULDN'T...It was like Watching 1 GREAT Fighter Getting Jumped by 5 Very Good Fighters::... Bron Needs to Take his Talents ELSEWHERE...He Needs a YOUNGER Supporting Cast...He Needs a Younger Guy to CARRY the Regular Season Scoring Load, a Guy Who can Be COUNTED ON for 20+ Deeeeeeeeeeeep Into the Playoffs, as Well... DWade is DONE...Things will Only Get WORSE if he Continues to Play...No Way Does he Opt Out Because NOBODY Else is Going to Pay him 20 Mil...Honestly, Dude Should RETIRE, in REED's Opinion...Bosh is a PERIMETER Big, Only he LACKS the Shooting Wherewithal of Dirk or Aldridge... As Presently Constituted, the Miami Heat are a Fucking MESS & Bron Needs to Take his Talents Elsewhere... REED:hammert:
But REED, James won 2 Championships with the Heat. They made the finals and lost to the stronger team this time. Why would he want to leave? Why not try to improve the team and come back better next year?
If Wade & Bosh DON'T Opt Out (Which They Won't, Since their Market Value is Actually LOWER than What they Stand to Make on their Current Contracts), the Heat WON'T Have Cap Space to Improve the Team in the Foreseeable Future... Wade & Bosh Would Have to Opt Out AND Accept LESSER Contracts, to Make this Work... Bron's the Only Member of the Big 3 who Can Opt Out KNOWING he'll Make Even MORE than he Does Currently...w/Bron Approaching 30, this Very Well Could Be THE LAST Huge Contract of his Career...4-5 Years from Now, he WON'T Be the Best Player on the Planet Anymore... As Such, there's NO Reason to Think or Expect Bron to Opt Out AND Accept LESS Money, as Well...The Heat are a MESS & Bron Needs to Bounce, in REED's Opinion... Bron Can ENHANCE his Legacy by Going Back to Where it All Started, Cleveland, & Winning a Championship, which is Feasible, in a Season or 2... REED:hammert:
I read recently that Lebron had also had small piece of "Beats" and was bought out for $30 Million. I doubt money is an issue for him. He makes far more outside of basketball then his actual contract could ever pay. It all depends on Bosh and Wade opting out or not. If they do, Heat might be better shoring up their depth with the extra money, rather then chasing another star like Carmelo. Heat would seem to be very vulnerable if the injury bug hits them, beyond the usual Wade days off. That means tracking down players other then the Greg Oden's of the world, who do nothing but take up roster spots, no matter how little they are getting paid. Guy makes Bill Walton look like an Ironman.
The Clippers would beat them. More depth, equal athleticism, and deeper bench, and with similar ball movement to San Antonio. Plus, they have nobody who can stop Blake, and CP3 would play find all the same openings off the pick and roll that Parker did. Clippers in 6. OKC have the athleticism plus physicality. But Durant folds in tough games, and that isolation ball would get abused by Miami's trapping defense. Not to mention that Brooks is inept as a coach. Heat in 7
Theyre gonna promise Bron the WORLD.. And they're gonna chop some dead wood this Summer and have Wade and Bosh take pay cuts. Overall, it's just too soon for Lebron to leave because of the BACKLASH he'd get. He'll be there for at least 2 more seasons depending on what happens. Looking forward to how it all turns out.
Why would u want wade on that squad. His contract option gives him great leverage but the guy don't have much left and you'd surely be sacrificing any chance to win chips in years 3 and 4 of his deal
Wade already said he won't take a paycut. Bosh said that he was willing. Bron have not decided his future yet but he might do it. Allen is mulling over his retirement.
agREED... Wade's Days as an ELITE Player were Over a Year or 2 Ago...Now, REED Isn't Even Sure Dude is Worthy of STARTING for Most Teams...But the Thing is, w/Wade's EGO & the Fact he Won a Championship for the Franchise Sans Bron, the Heat will BOW DOWN to Whatever he Wants... Wade is the Elephant in the Room, the Monkey on the Back of the Miami Heat, that they'd LOVE to Get Rid of, but Can't...REED Would Loooooooooove to Hear from Wade's Mouth, just How Many GOOD Years he Thinks he has Left... REED:hammert:
agREED... Wade is Getting By on What he's DONE, Because he'll Never Actually DO Anything of Merit in the NBA Again...He Went from Arguably the 3rd Best 2-Guard in NBA History, to the OLDEST, Most USELESS 32 Year Old Player (that USED to Be Good) in NBA History... It's SHOCKING just How Dramatically he's Fallen Off, for a Guy Sooooo Young Still... REED:hammert:
Bron WON'T Decide Shit Until Other Moves are Being Made...Bosh Would have to Opt Out, Take a Pay Cut AND the Heat Would have to SIGN a Legit Free Agent, Before Bron Plays his Cards... He WASN'T Happy @ his Post Game Presser Yesterday...Where Usually Bron DEFERS A Lot of Questions to Wade, Bron Answered Damn Near ALL of them Yesterday...He was VERY Complimentary of the Spurs "Team" Play & "Ball Movement"...It Almost Seemed like he was Saying Those were Things the Heat LACKS... The Current Roster Needs a MAJOR Overhaul...2 FRESH Starters & QUALITY Depth...Chalmers, Cole, Battier, Lewis, Oden, James Jones, Beasley...Those Cats HAVE to Go...Hate to Say it, but Even Birdman May Be a Casualty, Though REED Thinks he Could Be a Solid BACK-UP Post Defender for Another Couple Seasons... REED:hammert:
it doesnt matter what wade says right now. Take a pay cut or get cut. He can decide. Which one do you think he will choose?
Crazy because 32 is not ANCIENT at all. But I think D-Wade is to blame for it. He never developed his mid and long range jumper. Never developed a post game. He just continued to play in that raw, aggressive manner which places a lot of high impact on the body and now at 32, its caught up to him. His knees are as bad as Sergio Martinez. Parker is a great example of a player who added more elements to his game and at 32, is a more complete player than he ever was, even if he's less explosive than before. He improved his long range shot, passing, and learned how to actually play the POINT GUARD position.
The elephant in the room in Cleveland is Kyrie Irving and whether he wants to stay and more importantly if he'd want to play with Lebron. I'm not so sure he does or would. Secondly, I might be in the minority but I think Melo on the Heat is a disaster waiting to happen. He plays little to no defense. I can't see him working out defensively.
I see them keeping Cole and Beasley. But all those others guys, INCLUDING Birdman need to go. A major overhaul is needed. Haslem is another guy who doesn't add anything. He's still there because he's a fan favorite (Being that he's Miami born and raised) but he has like, NO ROLE at all on that team other than being a goon. Word down here is that Melo "badly" wants to come to Miami is gonna try all he can to make that move happen. Not sure I believe it. But I do think Melo is going to whore himself out to the teams out there and hope that one of the championship contending teams picks him up. I don't know. For some reason I could see him coming to the Heat but is he really what they need?? Sure he'll take some of the scoring load off Lebron but will he fit into Spoelstra's scheme? We all know what it is. Just give the rock to Lebron and hope the team "follows his lead" if they're able to. I just think the Heat will be better off adding some new pieces to their bench and possibly consider letting Bosh go to Dallas, and getting a young big who isn't afraid to play in the paint and who can get some rebounds and block some shots. Anyhow, I'm looking forward to the West again next year. Spurs, Clippers, Thunder, Mavs, Warriors, Blazers, Rockets... It's gonna be COMPETITIVE yet again and there's really no telling what team will make it out.
NBA Contracts are Guaranteed...Even if they Cut Wade, his ENTIRE Salary Would Count Against the Cap... So Basically, the Heat would Be SABOTAGING the Relationship w/a 1st Ballot HOF'er, THE Guy that Brought them their 1st Championship, While TAKING the Hit on the Salary Cap...No Way Does Miami Do That... REED:hammert:
Yep, 32 IS NOT a Death Sentence in the NBA... Many Other GREAT 2-Guards have Made it to 34-35 Before the DRAMATIC Decline Starting Setting In... Good Mention on Parker...Back in the Day, ALL he did was Blow By your for Layups Or Rain Teardrop Floaters Over you, but ALL of his Scoring was in the Paint...These Days, he's a Guy You CANNOT Leave Open @ Mid-Range OR from 3... REED:hammert:
Wade Can OPT OUT of his Contract & Become a Free Agent OR he Can Maintain his Current Contract, Which will Pay him Roughly 20 mil for the Next 2 Seasons... He'd Be a FOOL to Opt Out Because NOBODY Would Want Him & the Heat Wouldn't Offer Anything Close to 20 Mil in a Renegotiation...No Way does Wade Opt Out... REED:hammert:
The Thing is, Irving's Only 21 Years Old...Say Bron Signs a 4-5 Year Deal...Irving Would Only Be ENTERING his Prime, by the Time Bron's Contract Expired...THEN, the World would Be Irving's... Irving Could Use a Good VETERAN Presence Like Bron, Before he Enters his Prime...& REED Doesn't Think Bron Would have Any Qualms about Irving Being the Leading Scorer... REED:hammert: