I found this quote from Wade. It doesnt say he wouldnt take less money “I will never feel like I have to take less (money) after this, or have to do this,” Wade told ESPN. “It’s not my job. It’s the job of others around to figure out how to make it work. If I want to be a part of that, then I’ll be a part of that. But if I don’t, I won’t. It’s simple as that. I don’t feel that pressure at all.” Read more at http://www.sheridanhoops.com/2014/0...e-not-worthy-of-max-deal/#DAzjfdxiqiycPEzk.99
Wade should go to the UFC and challenge Jon Jones. A year of training and Wade might get it done. He's got the reach.
That makes sense but I get the feeling Irving is about making his own way rather than being Robin to Lebron's Batman. When Irving first came into the league Lebron reached out to him and wanted to "mentor" him so to speak and Kyrie wasn't having any part of it. If Lebron goes back to Cleveland I'd be confident in saying it's because Kyrie is gone. He hates Cleveland, hated Mike Brown (who got fired) hates his teammates (especially Dion Waitors) and hates Dan Gilbert (can you blame him).
I used to think that Kyrie Irving was SURELY about to become the best PG in league, now I'm not sure. As of right now, as far as young point guards go, I consider Lillard and Wall both better than Irving. Irving this past season looked like a homeless man's version of a young Tim Hardaway. He has alot of talent, but he needs to put it together. Lillard seems alot more mature, and more team oriented. Irving seems to have the same selfish attitude that Marbury and Francis had.
DOESN'T Sound Like he's WILLING to Take Less, Either...If Anything, it Sounds like he Leaning Towards NOT Taking Less & Considering the EGO @ Hand, that Makes Sense... The Moment Riley Comes to Wade about Opting Out & Taking Less, Wade will IMMEDIATELY Respond w/, "All I've Done for this Franchise, Blah, Blah, Blah"...Watch & See... REED:hammert:
REED Could See Bron/Kyrie Being Somewhat like the Shaq/DWade Marriage... Sure, Shaq was CLEARLY Batman in Terms of Popularity & Endorsements, but ON the Court, Wade was Batman...During the Regular Season, Irving Could Be Batman & REED Doesn't Think Bron Would Trip @ All...Bron Wants to Shoot @ Oscar Robertson's Feat of AVERAGING a Triple Double & Would Be Content w/a LOW 20pt Average to Do That... Come Playoff Time, Bron Would CLEARLY Be Batman, but Given Irving's YOUTH, that Wouldn't Be a Bad Thing...& Again, Irving Could BOLT in 4-5 Years & Still Only Be 25-26 Years Old... DWade Got BETTER, More CONFIDENT & More FAMOUS by Playing w/Shaquille O'Neal...Kyrie Irving's in a Position to Similarly BOOST his NBA Stock, BUILD his Brand, by Playing w/Bron... REED:hammert:
Despite his RIDICULOUS Handles, Irving's a COMBO Guard...He Can Obviously PLAY PG, but he's More of a SCORING Guard... Even Westbrook Has a HIGHER Career Assist Per Game Average... REED:hammert:
I'm not giving up on him yet. He's still extremely young, and can come into his own and improve facets of his game. But this past season, he wasn't a top 5 pg. Curry, Paul, WB, Lillard, Parker, and Wall were all CLEARLY better. Mike Conley was better than Kyrie this season as well, and at times Kyle Lowry was better.
True, but All those Cats are OLDER than Kyrie, if REED's Not Mistaken... Right Now, he KNOWS Cleveland Sucks & is just Trying to Get HIS, to the Detriment of his FG% & Assist #'s...REED's Been Harping on it for MONTHS Now, but Playing w/Bron Would CATAPULT Irving Into Another Stratosphere... He'd Actually Learn HOW to Be a "Professional", he'd Become More EFFICIENT, He'd Actually MAKE the Playoffs & Be in World Championship Contention AND He'd Become More of a Household Name... Even if REED's Bron/Kyrie Wet Dream DOESN'T Pan Out, Irving's the Goods in REED's Opinion...He'll Figure it Out Eventually...This Time LAST Year, Not Many were HIGH on John Wall Either... 'Jus Sayin... REED:hammert:
i dont know, i dont see it that way. I see him saying he doesnt feel pressured to. But if they come up with a plan that involves him taking less money, it's up to him if he wants to be a part of it or not. He isnt saying he wont. He is just saying that he doesnt feel the pressure too. Wade doesnt seem like a selfish player IMO. Or a dumb one. He has to know him taking less money has nothing to do with all that he has done.
Why WOULDN'T/SHOULDN'T Wade Feel Pressured???... After Mario Chalmers, Wade Is THE Deadweight Starter for the Miami Heat...On BOTH Ends of the Floor, Dude was THOROUGHLY Outplayed by Danny Green, of All People, in the Finals...Honestly, Wade Made Green Look like a WELL ROUNDED, 2-Way Basketball Player, When Green is Anything BUT... Dwyane Wade's Stock has NEVER Been Lower & if REED's Not Mistaken, he Stands to Make THE Most Money he's EVER Made, Next Season...He SHOULD Feel Pressured, Given the Situation...Even Though they're BOYS, there's NOfuckingWAY Bron has FAITH in Wade as a Contributor, Anymore...Motherfucker NEEDS to Feel Pressured Right Now... As for the Quote, The EASY Response Would Be, "Hey, I'm a Heat for Life. Can't See Myself Playing for ANY Other Franchise & I'm Willing to Do What I Need To, to Make Sure we Can Compete for a Championship Next Year." Wade Said Anything BUT That... LOYALTIES Will Be Questioned, FEELINGS Will Be Hurt & 1 Way or the Other, SOMEBODY's Gonna Be Selfish...Either Wade WON'T Opt Out OR He Will & the Heat will LOWBALL Him... REED:hammert:
Yes... Either Way, Wade Has the Heat by the Balls...& For as BAD as he's Looked, You're Betting Off Having Wade ON Your Roster, if it's Going to Cost 20 Mil Regardless... REED:hammert:
heat cant even amnesty wade since they used it on mike miller. i found puerto rocks comment amusing about how wade never developed a mid range game :: huh???? i think james and irving could play well together and see no reason why irving wouldnt want to play with him. i can understand why he'd wanna get the fuck outta cleveland and why james would never want to return to that shithole, especially after all the dumb comments from that asshole gilbert. nonetheless, a irving/james/deng/varajao team would be formidable.
Wade sucks from midrange. His high rate shots mostly come from the paint. Anyway, I would love for Bron to return to Cleveland and make amends. Hopefully he learned his lesson and understand that you can't win championships every year and sometimes it takes a couple of seasons to find the right team, the right formula. He already has two rings, the pressure is off, just enjoy his game, have fun and grow as a team together, the championship opportunities will come. If Cleveland draft Embiid and re-sign Irving, Bron would be stupid to say no. He could be the Duncan in that team, mentoring the young players and leading by example.
:atu: wade was one of the few guys in the league who had an efficient mid range game. not sure when this myth began or whether you began watching wade in the NBA finals this season
Shabazz Napier :: No lock to last more then 3 years in the league, or to even become a regular starter, but I'd love to see him prove people wrong again. A real competitor. I'd like to see him blossom into more then just an excellent "college" player.
Kid's Got HEART for Sure...UCONN's Backcourt was Supposed to Get Dominated by the Harrison Twins...Instead, the OPPOSITE Transpired... Napier's Lack of SIZE Will Hurt his Draft Stock a Bit, but he'll Get a Chance w/Some Team...He's As Good as D.J. Augustin, in REED's Opinion, & Augustin BLOSSOMED w/Chicago, After Being JOBLESS Until DRose Got Injured... REED Can Definitely Envision a 10 Year Pro Career for Napier, But Probably as a Back-Up PG, Primarily...& That's NOT a Slight, Considering PG is 1 of the Deeeeeeeeeper Positions in the NBA... REED:hammert:
Marcus Smart... REED Watched his Sr. Year of High School Where Smart's Squad (Along w/Phil Forte) REPEATED as Texas State Champions...It was Disappointing that Smart's OSU Cowboy's Suffered 2 1st Round Exits in the NCAA Tournament, but Individually, Smart was Fine... A lot of Athletes SAY They're "Competitive"; Marcus Smart EMBODIES It...He'd Dive Headfirst Into Shark Infested Waters, for a Loose Ball...In High School, he Guarded the Opposing Teams BEST Guy, Whether it was a BIG or a Perimeter Player... The Jump Shot is Still a Work in Progress, but Dude will Come Into the League & Be an All-NBA Caliber DEFENDER from Day 1...Smart's a Shorter, More OFFENSIVE Minded Tony Allen...A LESS Athletic, DEFENSIVE Minded Version of Eric Bledsoe...A MORE Athletic Version of Joe Dumars, Sans the Jumper...Somewhere in that Mold... REED Doesn't Know if Smart Will Be a "Star", Per Se, but he'll Be an INTEGRAL Part of a Perennial Playoff Team, for the Next 10-15 Years... REED:hammert:
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