Sooooo, if it Wasn't a Coverup then Clearly, Goodell was IGNORANT and INCOMPETENT in Handling a Matter that Should have Been a Priority... The Elevator Video has been in the NFL's Office for 5 MONTHS Now... REED
Of course it does everyone already thinks he is guilty, so this is the correct play in this position, first play was to say no one saw it, they proved it was sent, this is his only play besides resignation, former fbi agent cant be had, maybe if he cant maybe he believes they cant prove he saw it, which very might be true, which diverts the fact he was already negligent in his initial punishment, only proves that possibly he didnt see the punch, which we all know he did
Multi billion dollar league and team, I find it hard to believe educated people over look evidence sitting on your table in a decision that took you so long to announce
A cover up means it was planned, well thought out and it wasn't done sloppy, in other words you don't leave evidence behind of wrong doing, you dont get into that type of position without some dirt on you
It's because the NFL Players Union is THE Shittiest in Sports...Until the Next Labor Talks, the NFL Commish has Complete Autonomy.... Goodell's an Employee of the Owners and the Players are Basically Hired Help to Him... Yeah, it's Shitty he Can "Hire" the Investigator that's Supposed to Examine his Business Dealings of the Last 6 Months, but it's a Position the Players have Basically placed Themselves In... Hopefully the Player Reps SEIZE this Opportunity by Demanding MORE Say on These Matters, not to Mention Guaranteed Contracts... It's SHAMEFUL America's most Popular and most Violent Mainstream Sport DOESN'T Guarantee Player Contracts.. REED
Rice was a very good running back. Now he's black balled. Honestly if he were a very good QB or pass rusher some one would still snag him
I think the worst thing is their pension plan, especially as it has become indisputably obvious that this game maims people and takes years off their lives
He's Been Deactivated for Sunday's Game...Being Disciplined w/a 'Switch' is VERY Common Amongst BLECKS in the SOUF'...
No, it's a Form of DISCIPLINE that's Been Passed on Through the Generations...As Peterson HIMSELF has Stated, he was Disciplined the EXACT Same Way, as have the MAJORITY of Rural or SOUTHERN Bred Blacks...It's a CULTURAL Thing that's Existed for Centuries...Not Only has REED Been Disciplined w/a Switch, but his Great Grandmother Made REED GO GET The Switch She Eventually Whipped his Ass w/...
For the Record, NO, REED Has Never & Would Never Discipline his Children w/a "Switch"...But REED has Experienced the Effects of that Type of Discipline, 1st Hand, & Can Honestly Say he DOESN'T Know a Single Person that Was NEGATIVELY Impacted by It, Beyond the Brief Physical Sting...ESPECIALLY w/Young Males, a PHYSICAL Deterrent is NECESSARY...Calm, Whispery Voices & Removal of Privileges DOESN'T Always Work...We're Going Down a Slippery Ass Slope, if We're Going to Start Dictating HOW Parents Discipline their Children...
agREED. I talked with my cousins about this last night and we all felt the same way...All the ass whuppings we got, our parents would just now be getting out of jail. About a year ago my wife and I were in a store and were standing a few feet away from a teenage kid who asked his dad for a pair of pants. When the dad said no the kid said, "stop being a little bitch." My wife and I were stunned. We looked at the dad and mother with a "are you going to let him say that" look then both shrugged their shoulders then walked away. I guaranfuckingtee if he'd had one or two well placed ass whuppings that never would have taken place. I have seen the pictures and I'm not shocked nor surprised. That's what it looks like after you've had you've gotten your ass whupped. Lastly, it's also important to note what Peterson said...he stated he had the kid explain why he was about to get it. My dad did the exact same thing. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
THIS...If REED's Not Mistaken, Peterson's Child PUSHED Another Off of a Bicycle...The Kid NEEDED to Be Dealt w/...REED Bets Peterson's Kid will NEVER Push Another Motherfucker Off a Bicycle, the Rest of his Life::...Conversely, Kids that Grow Up Being Put in "Timeout", w/More DIPLOMATIC Parenting, are the SAME 1's that End Up Talking Shit, like the Teenager you & Your Wife Saw...
The SAME People that Say Peterson Went "Tooooo Faaaaar" Won't Step Up & Help RAISE his Kid Though...People SAY the "Right" Shit, but when it's Nut Cutting Time, that Kid Would End Up in Foster Care or an Orphanage, When All his Father is 'Guilty' of is Punishing Him the SAME Way he was Punished, Growing Up....
Are you really trying to justify what he did to his kid? There's a clear line between discipline and abuse, and what we see in those pictures is clearly abuse. TFK
Again, Being Disciplined w/Switches is NATHAN New...NATHAN that MILLIONS Haven't Already Endured in Life w/NO Residual Damage...Unless YOU'RE Prepared to Take Care of Adrian Peterson's Kid, Who are YOU to Tell him How to DISCIPLINE his Kid???...
By ALL Accounts, Adrian Peterson is a Calm, Laid Back Dude...He's NOT Angry...In Fact, he's a Soft-Spoken, Relatively PASSIVE Guy, Off the Field...He Has NO Criminal Record to Speak Of, NO Gang Affiliations...He's an Aw'Shucks COUNTRY Boy... On that Note, Peterson Comes from a CULTURE of People who Discipline their Children w/Switches...To Be CLEAR, the Level of Discipline Escalates & Using a "Switch" is Def-Con 1 Level Shit, in the Realm of Parenting...When REED Got the Switch as a Kid, it was Because he'd Been REPEATEDLY Told NOT to Do Something Very Specific, Yet Persisted in Doing Anyways... A Nice, "Hey Don't Do That", Initially...Sterner Warning Next...VERY Stern Warning After That...Maybe a THREAT of an Asswhipping Next, Followed by an Actual Hand or Belt Spanking...AFTER All That, if REED Dared to STILL Fuck Up, or GOD Forbid, Act Defiant or Be a Smart Ass, it was Time for the Switch... REED Can Honestly Say he DESERVED the Switch, the Few Times he Received that Level of Treatment... To the Point, Adrian Peterson EXPLAINED to his Child WHY he was about to Whip his Ass w/a Switch...Peterson Also IMMEDIATELY Communicated what Occurred, w/the Child's MOTHER...Told her EXACTLY What he Did, WHERE he Hit the Child, Everything... This was Back in May, According to Reports...If This was REALLY an Issue, Why is it Only Surfacing in September???... A Switch is a HARSH Form of Discipline, Undoubtedly...But There's HISTORY Behind it...There's Also People like REED, Who've ENDURED It, Can Acknowledge the Situation WARRANTED It, & Came Out BETTER For it, in the End...The Same Can Be Said for Probably 50-100 People REED PERSONALLY Knows... Slapping, Punching or Slamming a Child is 'Abuse'...Using a Switch is DISCIPLINE...
I was disciplined when i was a kid. I was it with belts, extension cords, and anything was in my mom's vision to throw at me. Im all for hard discipline. Patterson took it too far. This looks like the work of someone that doesnt know what the fuck they are doing.
Just because it's been done before doesn't mean it's not abuse. When you leave marks like that, you're way past discipline. As far as me, or anyone else taking care of Peterson's kid....what the hell are you talking about? Just because I can point out that he abused his kid, suddenly means raising him is my responsibility? TFK