Maybe he did it for attention. Similar to his motive for fabricating the story about Maidana's biting him. Maybe his father fucked waitresses during his upbringing. Maybe one of his crew stole the tip. Maybe he's just a piece of shit.
You Can't Anoint YOURSELF "Money", yet NOT Tip...That's even WORSE than Calling Yourself "T.B.E.", when there's a Handful of BETTER Guys...REED's of the Belief that Tips Should Be EARNED, Not Expected, but @ the Same Time, if REED's Tab is in the $20 Range, he's Gonna Tip 15% MINIMUM...REED's the Drunk Dude Doing Math Problems in his Head, or On Bar Napkins, @ Last Call...Floyd Should be ASHAMED that he Ran Up a Tab of 25 GRAND, w/Out Compensating the Waitress AT ALL...
Obviously not. In fact they should be thankful they are able to wait on other people. A "tip" would have been showing those waitresses a picture of his cars.
A Member of Floyd's Security Team Spotted the Waitress Texting from a MOTHERFUCKIN FLIP PHONE, Which Rightfully RUINED Any Chance @ a Tip...
mayweather jr gets criticized for tipping guys a hundred bucks for opening the door for him. now he's deemed cheap
Do You have a BETTER Adjective to Describe a Guy that FLAUNTS his Money, yet FAILED to Tip, @ his Own After Party???...
This fits with the idea that it's all for attention. Pbf knows how to drive's gotta be one reason his ppv do so well.i really think this was what the glove biting was all about.
True. Tips need to be earned. Lots of waiters think because their hourly wage is awful that they're entitled to a tip. But the whole point is for their income to be dependent on how well they serve. In exchange, they get more upside when they perform well .
My only guess is that it was one big party with Floyd really not knowing what's going on. That being said, Floyd should have handlers for this specific situation. While he is celebrating, getting drunk or whatever, he needs someone sober there handling things with his money in order to avoid shit like this happening. Floyd is known as a good tipper, but hey, bayless was known as a good ref until one fight got him being called a corrupt piece of shit that takes money to fix fights, so basically, Floyd is fucked in the eyes of short sighted boxing fans
Godfather found nothing suspicious about Bayless's twelve rounds of incomprehensible bias and incompetence in the midst of what has generally been a spotless career
Anyone who has ever had a meal comped at a restaurant or industry event knows that the venue also takes care of the waitress and servers. Leaving a tip when your meal is already comped is not mandatory.
I thought Floyd didn't care about women though. They're just objects. They're supposed to stay under his foot.
It's because she needs to just be APPRECIATIVE of the fact that Floyd Mayweather graced her life with his presence.
thats what i was thinking as well. they comped the guy 25k and they couldnt just pay the girl another couple grand? mayweather jr probably blows much money there on sports bets and blackjack