Neither I. Last night I was surprisingly calm watching the fight, frustrated a little bit, but not pumped nor anxious as I could perceive from the first round that 2015 Pacquiao had absolutely no chance in hell to beat Floyd. Predictable outcome of a rather boring ass bout. No point in repeating that.
NO....unless it's FREE on CBS ....that with a decent undercard......otherwise I don't care to see a rematch..
Both guys never really wanted to be there. (other than for the colossal payday) Years ago Pacquiao would have went much harder at it even when getting countered. Manny won some rounds and Floyd held and ran at times so in his mind he could say he tried but Floyd didn't want to fight. On the other hand Mayweather felt he was in control and didn't need to do anything more than edge the rounds and collect his money. Why in the world would a rematch be any different.
I didn't even give a shit about the first fight before it happened, the outcome and method was a foregone conclusion already.
I also thought it was a foregone conclusion but with boxing you never know for sure which is why I watched.
Damn, that surprises me. Honestly I thought there WOULD be a rematch clause, and it would almost certainly be exercised for more absurd amounts of money.
Good 'cause a rematch would have been as bad for boxing as any bad judges decision. This fight was so shitty it has no replay value whatsoever either.
no... This fight has been a mis-match since it first started getting talked about. Even w/ Manny taking steroids.
I think you're a bit confused, see, there's more evidence Floyd has taken steroids than Manny
I voted I don't give a shit just cuz we knew it was a mismatch, the fight proved it and pacs lame excuses aren't gonna change anything
Defo confused. Floyd = proof on PEDs, Pacquiao = speculation on PEDs.