PBF is a great fighter, but at 147, his prowess is highly diminished. To put PBF's legacy in perspective, name fighters you think would've defeated PBF at 147.... 1. ODH 2. SRL (obviously) 3. Duran 4. Paul Williams 5. Hearns 6. Robinson Who else? There are probably dozens...
Paul Williams would NOT have beaten Floyd. Too dumb, too one dimensional, too horrible a defense. Floyd would have neutralized Williams workrate, and hit him at will. Obviously, he wouldn't stop Williams, but he'd score on him at will and win a clear decision. We're talking about a guy who got boxed senseless by CARLOS FUCKING QUINTANA. I'm sorry, but he's not beating Floyd. The rest of those guys I agree with. More welters who beat Floyd: Curry Benitez Gavilan Griffith Napoles Whitaker: The version who beat Chavez. 00-01 version of Mosley Tito: Yes, Tito. I know this Tito hating forum will go crazy over this, but I feel Tito would fuck Floyd up at 147. Starling Here's two welters who MIGHT have beaten Floyd, but not 100% certain: Quartey Forrest
With the same day weigh in, I am pretty sure Gene Fullmer could make 147 and give him the Paret treatment.
This is something I recently had lengthy debate with a fellow fan over. Quartey had a ramrod jab. DLH was already over-the-hill when he fought Floyd, but his jab (before he ran out of steam) still bothered and disrupted him. Ike's jab is stiffer, straighter, harder, and more second-nature, than Oscar's. Even if Floyd countered him with a right hand over the top, Ike I think would still be throwing that punch consistently. Vern would have a height and reach advantage over Floyd. His jab wasn't shabby either. Also, Ike and Forrest had powerful right hands. Both were bull-strong too. Stylistically speaking, I think they'd have a good shot at beating Floyd.
Crazy, but it seems like the consensus says Floyd couldn't hang with any good welterweight in the history of boxing. I don't think a specific style or singular weapon beats Floyd. I think it would need to be a great fighter with a history of adapting during fights. Most of the guys listed don't remotely fit that description.
What would your pick be in those 2 fights? Judging from his fight against a faded Oscar, prime Oscar could beat him. Shane I'd give less of a chance, Floyd probably too clever, but it would still be a very interesting fight - peak early welter Shane was a beast.
I'm still trying to figure out how anyone could possibly believe Tito would ever in a billion years even be competitive with Floyd
He beats Shane. I'd pick him over Oscar, but less confidently. Remember their fight took place at 154, so Floyd was at a disadvantage there as well, plus the welter Oscar was a largely one-handed fighter.. not a good thing to be against one of the most adaptable fighters ever For those who thought the Floyd/Oscar fight was close - which rounds did you give to Oscar? I didn't think that was a close fight at all. At most, you could give DLH 4 rounds.
Ha ha. Odh/pbf wasn't close? That's a fucking ridiculous statement and one that betrays an absolute Dick lust on your part for all things mayweather. I suppose pbf/castillo wasn't close either?
Which rounds did you give to Oscar? Also, still carrying the torch for Castillo, I see. No, the first fight was close. Certainly closer than the DLH fight was.
I will have to re-watch it. But even if you only gave odh 4 rounds (wrong), for you to think the fight was not close I'm assuming for you the other 8 rounds were somehow definitively floyd's? That cannot be.
The only 'close' fight Floyd has ever been in was the first Castillo fight but i thought he won that fairly clearly (or at least that was my impression the last time i watched it). He beat Oscar going away. I had him over Manny and Cotto wide. i'd probably pick him over Oscar and Shane, but not with complete certainty. It's just very frustrating that the only fighters he ever fought who were remotely on his level were so faded, including Manny.
Nobody said he couldn't hang with them. They said he would lose to a lot of them. You don't think height and range would've been key weapons against pbf's keep away style? Think about it. How does pbf manage to take 0 chances in a fight against a taller top level opponent ? He doesn't. I.e. he doesn't always put up the offense he would need to win a fight like that. Against all these shorter guys he's been fighting, he plays keep away. That and holding. Against a taller good fighter he can still play keep away but he doesn't always get in the 10 landed punches he generally needs to win a round.
The maidana fight wasn't close? You have to ask yourself why your assessment of that fight is so different than 90% of those who watched it. I'd be interested in your explanation as to why you're able to watch that fight and see a clear pbf victory when the general consensus was it was close. So much so there was a rematch.
I agree. At the time, I thought Williams would beat Mayweather due the size/style matchup. 6'2 southpaw with an 79" reach, great workrate. But his defense was SO leaky, and obviously had far lower boxing IQ than Mayweather. Floyd would have never taken the fight of course, but hypothetically if they fought, I'd pick Mayweather to win a stinker. Hit and move, hit and hold.
I think i had it 8-4 so it was certainly competitive but I think close might be a c word too far & it definitely wasnt contentious. Maybe i had it closer though, i'd have to go back in the post history and see or rewatch it
That is very interesting isn't it. Using the same tricks and BS that modern day fighters have, you've got guys like Ray Robinson, LaMotta, Fullmer, Basilio etc coming in at 147...........and facing them would be the totally awesome likes of of.........erm...........well......I have to go and pay for my cars now.
Yeah I mean is there any doubt that El Feo Rodriguez goes undefeated against Mayweather's entire resume after Gatti?
:: Floyd would be competitive against a lot of fighters from the days of yore, but his COMP would be destroyed against even Welterweights who we today regard as having been middling-contender fighters. There are other things which need to be considered. Floyd has had a raft of lay-offs, medical treatments, drugs- legal or otherwise, rest, etc. Back in the day, they fought when and where they were told. Floyd fighting every 50 days, even against his comp today, eventually runs into the wrong guy on the wrong night. Maidana probably lasts 4, 5 rounds at best with guys like Cuevas.
Exactly ... But Maidana is in HD and Kid Gavilan is in black and white from only one angle and I'm 15 so Floyd rulez
See, that's my rub with this thread. In this case "they" include everything from great fighters like Robinson and Leonard to the Quarteys and Currys of the world. I just fundamentally disagree that you can simple name a guy with reach and a good jab and assume he beats Floyd. Or saying "Look what Oscar was able to do" and apply that same assumed success to anyone with a similar skill set. But that is just absurd. As we all know, you can dissect anyone's resume and punch holes in it based on the age, flaws, size of their opponents. At the end of the day, I find it difficult to assume that a guy like Floyd, who has faced a variety of styles and skill sets, and never lost over 48 fights would simply come up short against someone like Donald Curry or Ike Quartey. It's a mythical match up thing and I'm not inclined to argue too strongly for Floyd as I can't stand the dude. But I honestly think he'd be able to figure out how to beat many of the guys listed.