Paul Williams, Antonio Margarito, Joshua Clottey. Do you think any of them at their peak would have given Floyd any trouble or even had a chance to beat him? Of the 3 I think Paul Williams would have given Floyd the most trouble. That's if Paul had fought Floyd like he did Margarito using his reach and boxing from the outside as opposed to every other fight where he fought like an idiot whose seen too many Mike Tyson matches.
Williams would give him hell and could make it close but I still think Floyd would win. He'd figure out Margarito much sooner after some rough moments. Clottey was/is rubbish and doesn't stand a snowballs chance in hell
Even Plasterito without his magic wraps would have made things uncomfortable for Floyd I think, through sheer size and relentlessness, but ultimately Floyd would have beaten him like the walking punchbag he is. Williams also would have caused problems through size and workrate, but he wouldn't have won. Floyd would have found a way to outbox him and win, I mean, even Quintana outboxed him clearly. If Quintana could do it, I find it almost impossible to believe Floyd wouldn't do it more impressively. Clottey obviously wouldn't win or come close to winning. He's not quite the utter scrub some people are making out though. He's a solid enough welter who gave Cotto a close fight. Obviously though Floyd would have surely beaten all 3, it doesn't excuse him "retiring" in order to duck solid, prime welters.
This. Tall Paul gave hell to those who traded with him. Floyd had the speed to take advantage of his defensive flaws.
Floyd vs. Margarito.....good fight in the sense that Margarito will take receive a lot of punches....N that Floyd will be actually running for most of the fight...RUNNING....not what he does now outbox/outpunch his opponents(he will do that) but he won't look good doing it...and he will actually RUN.... Floyd vs. WIlliams....GREAT style matchup..I konw people LOVE brining up the Quintana fight...but IMO WIlliams was the kind of fighter who would prepare himself differently depending who he was FIGHTING...he thought Quintana was a chump...see he prepared for him accordingly. Floyd vs. Clottey....Floyd will do waht his GROUPIES say he would do to everyone he ducked/or avoid...he would box Clottey head off and win a WIDE DECISIO)N...
For 6 Rounds, Margarita BARELY Layed a Glove on Miguel Cotto... Floyd's QUICKER, Better CONDITIONED and Possessed Better FOOTWORK than Cotto, so there's Really No Reason to Think Floyd Couldn't Replicate what Cotto Did, but for the Remaining 6 Rounds as Well... Floyd vs. Tall Paul is an INTRIGUING Fight...Not Only Would Williams' HEIGHT Be a Factor, his SOUTHPAW Stance Would Be Too...Williams Threw a LOT of Punches Also... Clottey Found Ways to LOSE to Every World Class Fighter he Faced...Floyd Obviously Wouldn't Be ANY Different... REED:kidcool:
Floyd's quickness and constant change of looks would neutralize the offense of ole dumbass Tall Paul. It'd have been an easier fight for Floyd than a lot of yall think. Floyd is overrated as Hell at welterweight... but Paul Williams is one of the most overrated fighters of the last 20 years. There's no way in Holy Hell that Williams had the MENTAL tools to figure out Floyd. He was a very low IQ fighter.
Quintana beat a flat williams. The guy would have been ready to fight the bout of his life vs mayweather jr and the pressure would have been constant.
I agree with this. Paul was one of the dumbest fighters around and the only guy I can think of who was dumber was Chico Coralles. Kind of weird that two of the dumbest fighters who routinely tossed aside their technical skills, advantages and any sort of game plan to just sit and retardedly brawl all the time both had their careers ended in motorcycle accidents. Like I've said for years, the only time Paul used his brain was against Margarito. He used his reach and boxed on the outside and clinched when Margarito got inside. It was a strategy that was proven effective. Pretty much all the fights where Paul brawled it proved to be less effective for him, even when he won. Still he chose to brawl, but like I said, he fought dumb.
Corrales and Williams have been compared before for the same reason but I don't think it's quite the same thing. I don't believe that Chico "threw away" his physical advantages because he was dumb. It's simply the way he fought. It's not as if he had a terrific long range game and abandoned it in favor of brawling. Just because somebody is tall doesn't automatically mean they can box effectively with a jab/right hand combo and then tie up the opponent when they're in range approach. At least Corrales was excellent at infighting for a lanky guy. Williams not so much. He had much more potential as guy using a height and reach advantage.
With or without the concrete in Margarito's gloves? That's actually a fight I'd like to see. Prime Margarito with loaded gloves against any version of Mayweather.
Floyd avoided Pacquaio too, at least when he was at his most dangerous. I think prime Pacman would have had the best shot at beating Floyd.
Don't compare the great Chico Corrales to ole dumbass Williams. Corrales wasn't a dumb fighter. He just didn't have a good defense, and was pretty slow on his feet. He WANTED to be inside though, and he's honestly speaking - one of the most devastating short range punchers we ever saw.
Corrales was much better than Williams. Against Floyd, Williams spends most of the fight looking confused and eating counters. Floyd would batter bum-ass Margarito like the walking heavy bag he was. Funny how Margarito's "prime" ended as soon as he got caught with his gloves loaded, isn't it? Clottey would get widely outpointed in a boring fight where Clottey throws 0 punches per round to Floyd's 3 punches per round