That's faarrrr from being KD's quote. He might have said it, but that quote has been around for YEARS. Not sure who originated it...
What talent? He has handspeed and decent punching technique, that's it. His talent at elite level isn't great. Overall I agree with you though, Porter should win a UD, on workrate alone really.
I expect Porter to put Broner on his ass for a KD in this fight, thus proving wrong Neil's theory of Porter can't hurt Broner.
While Broner ISNT a Top Tier Talent, he's MUCH Closer to it than Porter... In the '35-'40 Range, Broner has Pretty Good Pop; Problem is, he's Not DEDICATED Enough to Consistently Fight at his Optimal Weight...Pretty Good Handspeed and Accuracy Too... And for as Much as Broner Critics Loooooooved the UNDRESSING he Suffered from Maidana, you Have to Give Credit to Broner for Withstanding it like a Man... REED Knows you Loathe him, but Adrien Broner Isn't Without Talent, Bro...Especially Compared to Shawn Porter... That Being Said, REED's Got Porter Tonight...His GRIT, Determination, Strength and Workrate Matches Up Well with Broner. REED
I've seen porter live twice. Vs brook and Julio Diaz. In case you were wondering why the guy don't impress me
I was exaggerating when I said "What talent?" but since day 1, I've thought the whole "Quel talent!" thing with Broner is grossly overstated. I just don't see anything special, decent handspeed and accuracy, that's really it. And honestly, as far as talent goes, I'm not sure Porter is significantly less talented, just different. Broner has good handspeed/accuracy, Porter has good strength/workrate. Broner was tougher than I expected against Maidana, I'll give him that, physically and mentally. Though he caved after the fight, big style ::
Spence is a bad muthafucka. These two guys fighting in the main event are lucky they ain't in with him tonite
Dallas' FINEST! EJ's COMMITTMENT to Bodypunching is What Sets Him Apart...Most Young Fighters HEADHUNT to a Fault, Whereas EJ Literally TAKES what his Opponent Gives him... REED:cheer: