I am currently watching it again. MY GOD pacino was brilliant. I cannot get over his performance in this movie. Definitely one of his best.
True. I haven't watched it in years. I loved his scene at the end, watching TV, knowing he was about to get whacked.
I have to watch it again. I don`t remember his performance being that special. His performances in Godfather I and II were flawless, did it compare to those?
It was a different Pacino. Not the usual coke-snorting hyper shouting persona he used to play most of the time. He was like a mentor/father figure to Johnny Depp's character.
Nah it was more than one film. He fell back on that shit in allot of his big films in the 90s. I'd take a fucking FLAME THROWER TO THIS PLACE!!!!!!!!! Cause she's got a GREAT ASSSSSS!!!! And you got your head ALL THE WAY UP IT!!! He didn't do that annoying shit in donnie Brasco. Plus he spoke in a New York accent rather than that horrid, affected southern drawl he picked up after Scent of a Woman
While he was great in many of these films, he was still a loud ass, yelling machine. Scarface Dick Tracey Heat Devils Advocate Scent of A woman There are a few others that dont deserve much attention.
People are too hard on Pacino. Not ONE fucking younger actor of today who has the acting ability of Pacino. And I don't even mean prime, 70's Pacino. I mean name one younger actor who's as good as the 90's Pacino.
He was brilliant in Scent of a Woman. So great that you can easily excuse his yelling. He was good in Heat, but very much out-acted by Deniro. Everybody knows that. Devil's Advocate? You'd scream too if you had to co-star with Kenu (in Kenu's defense, he's actually grown into an okay actor. But he was horrible in the 90s).
Are you mad? James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and August Diehl...just to name four. All four exceed 90s Pacino without question. 70s Pacino is another matter altogether though.
Not true at all. As good as he was in the 90s? Young actor? Under 35? Pacino didnt use his acting much in the 90s. He stuck with the same personality. Not the same person from the 70s. Miles Teller Ryan Gosling Jennifer Lawrence Shia Lebaouf (Watch Fury) Joseph Gordon Levitt Tye Sheridan
Pretty good in Insider too, i thought. And amazing in Carlito's Way of course. Maybe i'm weird but I loved Frankie & Johnny, too.
The scene in the car right after this is one my favorites. Cant find it tho. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/iwNrpPgIEjQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
probably one of my top 15 favorite scenes in movie history. So fucking authentic. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/GzMJXh4D6-s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Yeah anytime you discussing actors, please, for the sake of us all, just exclude or include fassabender
You`re just mad because my position on Fassbender has been vindicated over time. I have vision my friend, you are reactive. Don`t hate, appreciate. ;)
FYI dont watch the extended version of this movie. It really puts too many scenes in it that were unnecessary and sloppy. The theatrical version was cut beautifully.
Well as long as we're talking about Donnie Brasco, what the fuck happened to Johnny Depp? There was a time I would watch a movie just because he's was in it. Now I usually know to avoid it. I saw "Blow" for the first time recently and thought it was great. Flawed but still pretty entertaining. "Public Enemy" the only film in recent memory (where he's more then just a voice) I can recall that wasn't just a chore to sit through.
The money changed him. That pirates money was no joke. He went from taking a job once in a while to scripts he believed to making 20mil a picture and agreeing to everything. Hopefully Black Mass get's him back in the grove. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/CE3e3hGF2jc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Looks promising. Depp reminds me of Ben Kingsley in his menacing phase in that (without the accent of course).