A little over 150,000 buys. Golden Boy stating that is about what they expected. Really? No one believes that. They were hoping for 250K or 300K ppv buys for the new anointed (by them) boxing's new top dog. I am sure Cotto & Canelo were laughing hard at those numbers. http://myinforms.com/en-us/a/18031180-its-official-golovkin-lemieux-brings-in-150000-ppv-buys/
I was thinking Cotto vs. Malignaggi...but you're probably right.......other than Neil picking off Panchy puerto-ricanism...though that pedo preacher panchy isn't much of a Cotto fan......Cotto ppv number are irrelevant since GGG had the HYPE machine of HBO, boxing/mma websites behind him....while Cotto was just another good amateur kid from PR with 20 something fights under his belt.
ok so when was cottos first PPV fight that did 150k? vs judah Im guessing? Cotto vs Malignaggi did 60k buys. Cotto was 26 years old and had been on HBO/HBO ppv how many times? almost all his ppv appearances werely widely viewed on major major cards. cotto on hbo ppv: vs Juuko, brown, bazan, ceballos, maussa (headliner), sosa, ndou, bailey cotto on hbo: vs perez, pinto, corley, torres, abdullaev, branco cotto on showtime: vs martinez
Did Cotto ever get the "special" hype out of HBO??? He got new-comer hype just like Crawford today....just like Vargas in 97-00. Cotto never got the unstopable, unbeatable, most avoided, sold-out MSG @ $30 a pop FUTURE PPV star, boxing biggest start, most ducked fighter of all time HYPE...HELL first few years of his career Cotto was overshadow by the BOJADO HYPE.... Cotto Judah was 250K...a month after DLH vs. Mayweather.. Cotto Mosley was 360-400K..of course Mosley was a big name..but by himself he couldn't sell sugar to ants... I think Cotto Malignaggi was an independent ppv...I don't think HBO or SHowtime were involved...so even LESS HYPE..and it still made 60K? Bottom line who was the last fighter to get SOOOO much hype out of HBO..and boxing/sport writer without having fought A class opponent???
Yes, he did. Cotto was Arum's golden boy and HBO hyped him plenty. Your last question is a different question.
Not sure how that is relevant? He had major exposure on the premium networks and major ppvs 15 times before he had a ppv vs malignaggi
Cotto was on those undercards....and had exposure...just like most A level prospect in boxing...a new face in boxing...a young up and comer looking to follow in the glorious tradition of past puerto rican greats...and it ended there... GGG since his fight with Proksa fight has been nothing but 100% sell/HYPE job by HBO......and once Floyd went to Showtime...forget it that have taken it to another level trying to SELL GGG as the next GREAT THING in boxing... GGG exposure the last 3-4 years > Cotto's exposure early in his career.
I base things on exposure and how often people get to see the respective fighters more so than what announcers say about them. Cotto had twice the airtime. On bigger stages. HBO was in love with him also.
It's Of the UTMOST Relevance, Because YOU Persist in Going OUT of Your Way to Present Golovkin as Some Sort of "Draw", w/Actual LONGEVITY @ his Fingertips, All the While NEGLECTING to Note the DISCREPANCY in Ticket Prices of GGG's LA/NY Cards, Compared to Other High Profile Fighters... AND, You Cling to Shit as Flat Out LAUGHABLE as "MSG Merchandising Records", Like it MEANS Anything...It's as If You're a GGG PUBLICIST, or Something...As If the POLAR OPPOSITE Resumes of Cotto and GGG are IRRELEVANT To You...Again, Hope You Enjoy GGG-Willie Monroe II... BOTTOM Line , If YOU Choose to DIRECTLY Compare 1st PPV Headliner's w/Cotto, it's PATENTLY "Relevant" to Point Out GGG was 33 Years of Age During His, While the 35 Year Old Cotto was Roughly 8 Years YOUNGER than he Currently Is...If GGG had 8 Years or Anything REMOTELY Close, Left In His Career, REED Could See your Point... The GIST of Your Argument SUPPORTS the "Work SMART, Not HARD", "MINIMAL Threat for HIGHEST Dollar" Ideology POLLUTING the Game Already...& It's Straight Up BULLSHIT...So Of Course, You'd Question the "Relevance" of REED's Stance.... REED~
Definitely SOMETHING To This... HBO PANICKED when Floyd Bolted to Showtime, Canelo was ALREADY Fighting on Showtime Himself (Since the G/Richard Schaefer - Al Haymon Split HADN'T Yet Occurred), Andre Ward was INACTIVE, HBO Needed a "Star", and GGG Presented Enough LEGITIMACY to Build a Semblance of a Following Around, in the MORIBUND Middleweight Division.... That's the GENESIS of the (Over) Hype Machine.... REED
i dont know if Im quite clinging to him selling merch. i copy pasted what was tweeted about that, once*. because it seems to rile up you anti golovkin chaps. i think golovkin is becoming an attraction. people enjoy watching him fight. if he sticks around and continues winning for the next few years he'll easily be among the top 2 or 3 draws in the sport. if he gets an alvarez fight there is no doubt of this. if he was 5 years younger would you be cool with who he has fought in comparison with what fans and HBO says about him? that is where the relevance comes into play. Ive never been someone who gives a fuck about what jim limpley spews