At 43 he is making comeback. He has hired Konz as his advisor and may appear on Pacquiao's next ppv. He weighs 245 which is just one more pound than he was against Byrd. Can he have success? Will have to see how he looks. Info is from boxingscene.
In which fucking parallel dimension did he got outboxed by Tua? You could argue that Tua won that fight, but it wasnt by outboxing Ike
Prime Ike would be the best heavyweight in the world in 2015. He would fuck up guys like Gypsy, Joshua, and Wilder. When Ike actually was in his prime it was 99 and Lewis was still in his prime. I don't think Ike would have beaten Lewis, but he would beat all the scrubby heavyweights of today. But at 43, he isn't gonna be a factor.
Granted, I thought Ike lost to Tua. It was a RAZOR close fight though and coulda gone either way. But the fact that he went toe-to-toe with Tua and won and destroyed a prime Byrd is more impressive than anything any current heavyweight has done. Ike would have wasted Wald Pussy. Of that I have ZERO doubt. And I mean any version of Wald Pussy.
in the parrallel dimension where boxing isnt JUST about holding your guy on the outside with a stiff jab, but working inside and slipping punches while landing hard hooks and uppercuts in return. Tua outboxed the fuck outta Ike and gave him heavy brain damage. It was close due to Ikes workrate but Tua did the real damage in that fight. Its the reason Ike went full retard. Lewis would have impaled Ike, as would Wlad and alot of other guys even in this era.
For 99,9 % of boxing fans, outboxing someone is keeping him on the outside with jabs and movements. Using the word in any other r context only result in making discussions more confussing. Hell, if you want to be pedantic, you can say that winning by one punch ko while clearly behind, is a case of outboxing someone, since it result in winning a boxing match. But, if you do so, you dilute the word and make it lose its nuance. What Tua did to Ike would be considered outslugging someone by the vast majority of boxing fan.
Yeah I thought Ike was good, the Tua fight proved he had a chin and the Byrd fight showed he had power, but he is getting a bit overrated in this thread.
Outbox? Bravery or stupidity...don't know which...but he IKE went toe-to-toe with one of the hardest punching heavyweights in the last 30 years...
I suspect Tua was on the juice for the Ike fight. There just isn't another fight in his entire resume, that I know of, where he threw punches like that.
Tua's fat ass will come out of retirement if there is any potential to make money for a rematch with Ike.
Suggesting prime Ike would beat Fury and Wilder is overrating him? LMAO! Ike in general IS overrated! HOWEVER, he was better than any CURRENT heavyweight. As far as the Klit sisters go, prime Ike would have blasted Wald. Ike vs Vitali woulda been a good, competitive scrap.
Ike went to jail. He was brilliant, therefore. Coming next week on XplosiveSPN: "Dezi Ford and Ike Ibeabuchi: They Could Have Been Greats".
His prison stint has nothing to do with it. Cliff Ettiene went to prison and he was garbage. Ike IS overrated by guys who say he could possibly beaten Tyson, Foreman, Holmes, ect. But would you REALLY favor a scrub like Wilder over Ike? REALLY?
Tua was capable of throwing punches all night. It was just that if he had to move even a little bit, he couldn't throw at all. Ike stayed in front of him and Tua kept firing, had Ike taken a side-step twice a round he would probably have won by shutout
I dunno about shut out, but he coulda won clearly had he boxed more cautiously. I had Tua winning 7-5. Ike getting the decision isn't a big deal though. It's a fight that coulda easily gone either way, and coulda easily been a draw. I just felt Tua landed the more damaging shots, especially down the stretch.
But you say 'prime Ike would have blasted Wald' Couldn't possibly beat Tyson, but would have blasted Wlad with ease ??? I doubt it. I think the "prime" Klintchko would have beaten a brawler like Ike by UD. That's overrating. A guy who has 2 name W's on his resume, one of them a middleweight and the other was highly questionable decision in a brain-damage imposing fight against a puncher 6" shorter than him.
Yeah, and he decided to stop afterward because he felt he had a better chance to win throwing fewer punches.alm: