Lets take our hats off to J.J. Abrams for successfully keeping this film in total secret as the working title was the unsuspicious 'Vanessa'. The Cloverfield 2 film will be released on March. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/yQy-ANhnUpE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Nice trailer. But i wonder if the whole film is shot in that room. That really would be the only way he could keep it under wraps like this.
All those 'found footage' films are trying to repeat the gimmick that The Blair Witch Project pulled successfully (thanks Orlando!). It worked for that film as it fooled most people. One trick pony. It is pointless trying to repeat that IMO as it is the lazy, cheap way to make a movie. In 'Cloverfield' the shaky camera stayed shaking way too long and created vertigo and nausea in some people. In my case gave me a bad headache.
There are lots of found footage films better than Blair witch. And again, if you are getting a headache, you don't know how to watch them. Don't follow the camera around when it's moving. Stop trying to see something that isn't clear or is shaking. The camera will be steady and clear when there is something you are suppose to see on screen, so wait for it.
I get motion sick in the backseat of cars and on boats and shaky cam never seemed to bother me. Sometimes it's pointless or it's just part of a bad movie, but I think it's effective if done right. I'd say "Cloverfield" is the perfect example if done right. Along with "Chronicle" it's also the best at blending found footage with special effects.
Listen, son: I had no idea 'Cloverfield' was made in this style as I went to watch it on its opening day by pressure of my mother in-law and her also geriatric sister that thought it was some sort of old fashioned Godzilla film (in a way it was, but...). As for the other 'found footage films' better than 'Blair Witch', everybody KNEW beforehand they were fake. 'Blair Witch' was an awful awful film, but it sold tickets like crazy because people thought it was real!! It made those Orlando film students graduates into millionaires and ever since everybody has been coping that style.
Ah shut the fuck up! I've never met someone that seems so sure about the bullshit that they say over and over again.
Word. Anfernee's the Man. And men don't cry when spoilers are posted about whizz-bang/laser/robot/spacy/evil-empire/sci-fi movies for 15 year old boys. opcorn:
if you don't know, now you know. In all seriousness, I use to get headaches and dizzy with these film too. Then one day I actually got schooled by an independent film maker friend if mine, who said I was watching it wrong. I almost slapped him. I said I know how to fucking watch a movie. He said nope, you are squinting and trying to see shit that is blurry or that the camera is not focused on. He said you are following the camera around all over the place because you think you will miss something. He said don't do that. He said in found footage just wait until it's clear. He said the director wants you to see everything, so just wait for it and iwill be clear. Don't try and force your eyes to see something all shakey and shit. I tried it his way and He was fucking right. No more headaches or nausea. I learned something new. See sly, the problem you have isn't me. It's the fact that you, a know it all, can't handle someone knowing something you don't. Especially here on fightbeat, where you believe you are vastly superior in knowledge than the rest of us. This causes you to immediately call into question or deny the claim. If you didn't know it, then in your mind, it has to be bullshit or Questionable.
the problem with Cloverfield was more to do with the annoying guy holding the camera...he ruined the movie for me
I hate the 2nd one. Only thing it had in common with the 1st one was the name. Cash grab. They could have named that movie literally anything else. "Insidiously Paranormal Witch on Elm Street IV"
Anthony is closer to the mark than you'll admit Sly. Like when something or someone slightly not sexually-vanilla or 'appears different' you get totally bent out of shape about it like an old man, claiming it's wrong and weird and messed up. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Saw this on Saturday. Enjoyable movie.... for one viewing. I doubt I'll ever have the desire to watch it again, but it was good enough that I didn't feel cheated out my money when I walked out. I would give it a 6, but John Goodman was creepy and good enough that I'll give it a 7.