But, if he died in the ring.... would anyone really mind?
I woke up to this thread today.......I started listen...thanks baby jesus the video froze at "I fucked up one of Floyd's boy"..or something like that...IT realy wasn't that BAD. At least AB sound more natural rapping and moving around these people...while Floyd always looked like he hung around these wanna be rappers/street dudes just to show he's Iggy. and poor AB and FLOYD..the thought that by talking a little smack about each other they would get people juices flowing to see them fight...AB thought he would make a cool 20-30 Mil...Floyd thought he would get his 100-150 mil from HBO/SHOW for one FIGHT...DIDn'T work out like that ...NOBODY wants to see Floyd vs. Broner.... NOW FLoyd vs. GGG...that a different thing...2.5 mil ppv sold easily...
He does have that bloated alcoholic look..... <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>