I know all about Bruno. I know he has a fine jab, legitimate KO power (esp. in the right hand) and plenty of guts. I also know he gasses badly 3/4s through fights and has a tendancy to lose his biggest bouts by KO, even when he has fought well up to the point he gets stopped. Right now I have absolutely no idea how good or bad Joshua really is because he has fought no-one worth fighting. He looks as good as Bruno did in lighting up the bums he's been matched with and that probably the best fighter he has fought hurt him with a single good shot and that he hasn't yet faced anyone even half as good as Bruno was. Considering that Bruno was a good, but hardly great fighter, that says plenty. I pick Bruno for now. History might show that to be a foolish pick, but time will tell. MTF
Just rewatched the fight. AJ was indeed a lot less hurt than I rebember. One thing to consider though: he was very troubled by whyte jab. Which makes me think that at this point he wouldn't be able to deal with Bruno jab, which was much better.
If and when he cleans out the division and is dominant, we can eventually begin comparing him. But as of NOW, it's even premature to say he's as good as BRUNO, much less a Tyson, Lewis, Bowe, ect...
It's not premature to say he's as good as Bruno. Bruno never proved anything other than he'd take a hellacious beating whenever he stepped up in competition. Joshua is clearly a better fighter. I can't believe people are actually saying bruno is better, .
Joshua is more TALENTED, but I'm not 100% convinced he'd win. Bruno wasn't Sonny Liston, but he'd look like Sonny Liston against a guy like Whyte and Briz... however the fuck you spell that bum's name. Bruno was a left hook hail mary away from possibly upsetting Lewis. AJ is NOT a lock here.
I've only seen Joshua get hit clean 3-4 times and one of them legitimately hurt him. That just happened to be against his best opponent who was a local prospect.
Sly thinks Joshua has already proven himself the best heavyweight on the planet. Pay that bam no heed. MTF
Bruno fought pretty much on equal terms with Spoon and was ahead until he gassed and got iced very late on. The exact same summary can be applied to his fight against Bonecrusher Smith. He legit beat McCall. He knocked Coetzee spark out in a round. He laid James Tillis out. He fought evenly with a pretty much prime Lennox Lewis before again losing whilst ahead on the cards. Even Tyson struggled a little with Bruno early before dispatching him. Only really in the fights with Tyson did he take 'a hellacious beating'. When he 'stepped up his competition' he in fact either lost dramatically, late, whilst ahead on points, or he won. Notwithstanding the above falshood, it should be noted that Joshua has absolutely nothing, and I do mean NOTHING, on his resume to date to compare with even the weakest of the above-listed fights on Bruno's resume. He fought against much, much better fighters than Dillon Whyte, Charles Martin and that Brazilli heavybag. MTF
Prior to facing Liston the best fighter clay fought was Cooper. Prior to facing Frazier, the best fighter Foreman faces was Chuvalo. Of course, the list goes on. Bruno fought close for 6 rounds with a fat undertrained and slightly past prime Witherspoon. That means nothing. Bonecrusher Smith was always just a punch and nothing else. Coetzee and Tillis are just names, those two guys never accomplished much of anything. As for McCall, Joshua would beat him every day of the week and twice on Sunday and Lewis would win 99 of 100 fights against him, the one loss coming at the hands of a well times but nevertheless one in a hundred punch. Joshuas amateur pedigree and obvious punch power, punch repertoire , superior size and speed and proven ability to knock out huge heavyweights and come back from adversity is all I need to see to know he's beat frank Bruno who wasn't much of anything. It won't be an easy fight for no one had an easy fight with Bruno but there's noting in Bruno's resume let alone his style and abilities which we all know very well, that suggests he could be a guy like Joshua.
All of that is basically opinion and mostly based on the fact that you are heavily biased against Bruno because you think he is a British 'Uncle Tom' character. I understand the logic to that and to some extent agree but it is irrefutable fact that he has fought and beat much better opponents than Joshua has to date. Not a solitary sane person would argue otherwise. You are assigning mythical wins (McCall now added to the list) to a man who is actually actively fighting now but fighting men several classes worse than the people you are assigning mythical wins against. And your logical is flawed in several places. Joshua's mythical 'power' is becoming very overrated. He's able to knock bums out because he is quick and accurate but he rarely renders anyone unconscious with a single shot and there is no doubt at all in my mind that Bruno punched harder than him. No way does it take Bruno seven rounds to get rid of that Brazil Nut bloke and Bruno has hit, and hurt, far better fighters than Joshua has. Joshua's stellar 'amateur pedegree' consists of winning a gift Olympic gold medal after decisions were awarded to him which even the British press called a disgrace. His 'punch repetoire' consists of throwing loads of 1-2's; even the lickspittals on SKY criticised his inability to throw a body punch or vary his combinations against Breasile. His 'superior size' amounts to four pounds in weight (comparing Joshua in his last fight and Bruno vs Lewis) and no difference in their reach (according to Boxrec). His 'ability to 'come back from adversity' amounts to being able to lay out a domestic level fighter who put him on queer street with a single punch. It is literally about one of five punches anyone has ever actually landed on him as professional. MTF
Fucking Sly :: 'Laying out Charles Martin shows you have proven yourself the best heavyweight in the world, but being ahead on the cards after 11 rounds in a fight with Tim Witherspoon means nothing'. 'Hitting Dominic Brazeale with the kitchen sink and eventually stopping him in seven rounds shows a proven ability to knock out huge heavyweights but wasting Coetzee (in a round) and Tillis means nothing - they were just names'. 'Rallying after being hurt by Dillon Whyte shows you can come back from adversity but beating Oliver McCall is meaningless; Johsua would beat him anyway as well'. MTF ::
Let the record reflect. No-one is saying Bruno was some awesome fighter. He clearly wasn't. But he was a good, solid heavyweight with proper power who smashed garbagemen up easily and fought well (but often came up short) against the elite of the division. He's literally levels better than anyone Joshua has beaten yet. MTF
And my point is: I care not that he's levels better than anyone Joshua has faced, he's not levels better than Joshua himself. Again my Liston clay Frazier Foreman analogies.....
Bruno was a big black robotic " know wha a mean, arry " saying, Uncle Tom, jab right hand, no chin, no resolve, no smarts having, battered fish and chips bum. Lol
Ahhh, so it's a color-ism thing, eh? Hate the big, black, African lookin Bruno. Love the lightskinned pretty boy AJ.
Sly hates Bruno. Hates him. Bruno was the popular black man with white friends in Britain when Sly was being insulted and attacked by racists scumbags in England. I pulled him on it earlier in this thread but he perservered and made several increasingly hilarious comments, including the one about Joshua having already proven he's better than Bruno, regardless of what he does from this point. MTF ::
Yeah I hate him but I hate Chris Eubank senior more and I can admit that Eubank was a very good fighter. Bruno just wasn't.
I agree with most of what you have said so far, it's this part I disagree with. I'm of course not putting him in that bracket right now and wouldn't dream of doing so, but to say he "never will be" is crazy.
He was a more detestable cunt though. I mean he wasn't everyone's friendly lovable negro teddy bear but I despised him more.