Groves is an absolute nobody. I can tell your British for even mentioning him. Mundine, Reid, Larsen, Brewer, Johnson... Are you telling me Jermain Taylor and Lucian Bute are leagues above these guys? Taylor had just got knocked out twice, got knocked out by Froch and then got knocked out again. Bute got handled whenever he stepped up. You and you're pub buddies got a little hardons when you're working class hero succeeded in the world stage and you still seem to have a bit of a hangover.
Jermain Taylor was the undisputed MW champion of the world. He beat Bernard Hopkins. Twice. Bute was ranked no.1 by a shitload of organisations before he fought Froch. Handled when he stepped up? He was unbeaten with a string of title defences when Froch dismantled him. They are obviously better than Bumdine, Larsen and :: Charles Brewer. You're out of your tiny mind. MTF
Robin Reid? That fight was one of the biggest disgraces in the history of boxing. Reid literally got docked a point in one round for having the temerity to throw a punch at Ottke. MTF ::