Shane Beats the Brakes Off of Maidana; He's All WRONG for Maidana... Bigger, Stronger, Faster, Move Elusive, Aggressive, Great Chin, Combination Puncher, Works the Body...Shane NEVER Had Issues w/SMALLER Pressure Fighters....Shane Would Probably Even STOP Maidana Late... REED:mj:
Shane beats the ever living fuck outta Chino. In fact, Shane would see Maidana's chinky eyes and have flash backs to Jin Mosley, so he'd beat him up extra bad.
Im reading people claiming maidana had a great career, on twitter. i like him and enjoyed several of his fights, but a "great" career? ::
still wonder what maidana might have been able to do if he'd been allowed to wear reyes against pbf, instead of being handicapped by pbf's pussy demands. maidana was lucky to be a short welterweight. he got two fights with pbf because of it.