How does GGG do against a prime Chris Eubank (circa 1990) at 160lb and also in a potential future fight against Chris Eubank Jr, also at 160lb
Junior sucks and would get stopped. Senior? Look, I lIke Golov, really do. But I'm starting to feel like he's not quite as good as the HBO hype machine would have you believe. He'll defeat Shitnelo, but I think he'd struggle against many of the 90s middles. He'd def lose to Jones, Hopkins, and Toney. I'm confident a prime Nunn would beat him also. As for Eubank? The Eubank of the FIRST Benn fight would have a legit chance of beating Golov.
GGG is overrated imo, but Eubank is insanely overrated. We are talking about a guy who needed a lot of gifts to beat terrible oppositions, and who only have one good victory over a green raw Benn (who's massively overrated by brits himslef). Would be a decent fight, but GGG would outwork him and win a clear decision.
GGG beats the snot out of Jr. Jr isn't very good. I have no idea how a fight with Eubanks Sr. goes. None at all. GGG could outwork him and win a decision if he is able to take the incoming, which would be typical Eubanks - sporadic but hard-hitting. We don't really know if GGG could do so because his comp is dreadful. Eubanks had an excellent chin so I can't see him being stopped and he was better at 160 than 168. No idea. MTF :dunno:
I'd be interested to see GGG against Benn in the first Eubanks-Benn fight, let alone Eubanks. GGG hasn't had his chin checked by anyone so we have no idea what his punch resistance is like. It's the same problem you always have witha dominant fighter in a dogshit division. It's impossible to know how good they really are. MTF
Eubanks Jr. gets smashed, and then gets smashed at the pub shortly afterwards Eubanks Sr. is a completely different match-up altogether
So, no-one agrees with Eubank Snr that.....´´Junior seaons you.....then slow-cooks you´´ ? :: I agree that Arsehole Snr has a good chin: taking that many shots from Benn who was pretty heavy-handed at 160-168 proves it, but his overall opposition as Jesus of Montreal pointed out, doesn´t.
Golov outpoints Eubank (Snr) without any doubt whatsoever. Eubank didn't have the best stamina. As for Jnr, fuck Jnr.
He beats Benn, IMO. There's a far better chance of him taking Benn's shots than the other way around.
Benn took McLellan's punches and near killed him. Who has hit GGG so we know he can take Benn's punches, especially at 160? MTF
Chris Eubank Jr may, possibly, someday be a good boxer, but right now he is crap and would get utterly smashed over 10, 11 rounds by Golovkin.
I said I'd give prime Eubank a really good chance. Truth be told, I'd make Golov the betting favorite. But Eubank was light years better than Lemoo and Macklin, and he was also a level above Shitnelo. So who knows? In the first Benn fight Eubank was damn good, and on that night it's not far fetched at all to see him beat Golov.
Truth be told, Eubank Sr would find a way to have a hard fight with the Mack that fought Martinez. Golovkin smashes bums for fun, the sort of nights that Eubend might have fits on, but Eubend fought better, bigger men and hospitalized some of them.
Golovkin´s a better boxer than Benn and a bigger puncher than Watson - these two being the only ´names´ on Eubank´s resume at 160lb.
Yes, Golov is without question more consistent than Eubank, that's for sure. Eubank is generally overrated, I just think at his peak his style and talent could trouble Golov. Eubank was a guy who knew his limitations though. He pretty openly wanted no parts of the following 4 guys: Jones, Toney, Nunn, and McCallum. All 4 would have outboxed him clearly.