These are not low blows, this is bullshit. Linares will have every right to feel aggrieved if the referee starts taking points.
Good fight so far. Crolla coming forward but not scoring enough and Linares hurting him with lots of counters. MTF
Crolla needs to come in behind the jab more. He's coming forward but too often isn't really throwing. Good last minute of the round for him, though. Tough fight to score. MTF
The problem for Crolla is that he isn't really deterring Linares. Linares is clearly the puncher here. Crolla is on top now but he's a long way from having it won. MTF
I have it even now, 4-4, purely by scoring rounds for the pressure Crolla is pressing. He's not really hurting Linares, though. MTF
Crolla is throwing arm punches now, there is just not much snap in them. Wish the daft cunt would come in behind a bloody jab instead of wandering into range behind a guard and then trying to throw combinations. That was a bastard of a round to score. MTF
It's the classic case of what do the judges prefer - Crolla's pressure or Linares crisper, harder shots? Can see an argument both ways. MTF
Crolla getting hit, a lot, in that round. Big round for Linares. Froch said it was 'close'. He's on glue. MTF
Froch is either brain damaged or on some seriously strong lighter fluid. Talking absolute bagfuls. Crolla is game but he looks beaten now. He's just walking into shots and landing nothing of note. MTF
Good fight but Linares the clear winner. The very best you can score that for Crolla is 5-7. Even the corrupt Hearn clan cannot have fixed that one for their man. MTF