Who wins? They're comparable ages at this point. Canelo is 26. Tito was 26-27 when he fought at junior middle. Is there any chance of Ginger winning this fight? I'm sure you can guess my answer on that...
The only thing the Ginger would beat Tito in is the entrances assuming Tito opts for the YMCA entrance
Trinidad would win but I don't see a knockout. Canelo would floor him early and then Tito would proceed to beat him up.
Until he gets knocked out or is close to getting knocked out we can't assume he'd get knocked out against the first puncher he faces. That's juvenile thinking. It's not like he's a face first brawler. Dude has some defense.
Vargas was thought to have the best chin in the game until the first hook Tito caught him with. Canelo has a solid defense against looping sloths like Liam Smith and Angulo. I don't see being able to avoid Tito's straight, accurate punches too well. I'd be pretty shocked if Canelo lasted 12 with Trinidad. I think Tito would beat him up more violently than Golov would.
Trinidad KO 9 The height and reach, the edge in hand speed, wider variety of punches and combinations, and yes POWER would overwhelm Canelo. I think Tito backs him up the same way Floyd did only Tito is more willing to let his hands go. If Alvarez had the slick skills of even a SHOT Sweet Pea, he could last but he doesn't.
Tito was the first guy to knock him down, Wilfredo Rivera also dropped him in the fight immediately afterwards.
Oh bullshit Vargas had proven nothing in the chin dept ... Trinidad was the first real hitter he'd been in with unless you count Heavybag Boy Campas who barely touched him ... Quartey at 154 had mediocre power and he had him in loads of trouble
I think that's a bit overstated. Quartey hurt him, but cmonn... it's not like Vargas was near KO'd. Didn't even seriously buckle his knees. I'll concede this much... Canelo has a better chin than Vargas ever had. BUT, there's nobody that Tito could find that he COULDN'T hurt. And he'd FIND Ginger.... Canelo isn't Ruslan Provodnikov hittable, but at the same time, he isn't fuckin Niccolino Locche either. I think chin is literally THE only department that Canelo can claim an edge over Tito. Felix was better at literally every other facet of boxing.
Canelo looks to have a rock solid chin and he's not crazy hittable. He also has enough pop to keep an opponent honest. One eyed David Reid went the distance with Tito, with less chin and less defense than Canelo and Vargas almost went the distance with less chin. Ergo, more likely than Canelo goes the distance with Tito than not.
Reid was slicker than Canelo, albeit with one eye. Reid had good movement and reflexes. His problem was his stamina and lack of power.
If you think Canelo lasts the distance, then it must mean he goes into his bitch mode - which I think is very likely. Reid and Vargas might not have been as durable as Canelo, but I think both had more heart. IDGAF what anybody says, there is GIVE in Canelo, and Trinidad most likely bring it out. If Canelo fought like a man, and traded with Tito til the end, I have serious doubts that he doesn't get stopped eventually. You're overrating the living FUCK out of his defense. Liam Smith landed clean on him a number of times. Canelo isn't no lightweight Duran defensively.
I'm not saying Canelo is some Floyd Mayweather in the defense department, I'm just saying with a seemingly solid chin and a decent defense, it's hard to see him knocked out by a fighter his size or smaller.
What SLY is saying is that NO WAY Trinidad kos Canelo!! That will make Floyd W over him less meaningful. So IF Trinidad wins it will be by decision, close n competitive. Same goes for Canelo vs GGG, SRL, Hearns, Benitez, McClellan, McCallum, etc..
Sly has ALREADY said that Canelo would go the distance with Leonard. Personally, I think that's laughable. I'd bet my career and family on Leonard stopping the Ginger.
I personally think Tito has a much better chance to ko him than Leonard (even if Leonard is a much better fighter)
I don't think he goes the distance with either. Even if he did into passive mode, Leonard and Tito wouldn't be content to pot shot and win on points like Floyd did.
I wouldn't. Leonard is a HUGE puncher in the mold of Julian Jackson in 2016 but in 1980-1982 he was a decent puncher but not big (even by his own admission). If Ginger was some Mickey Ward face first fighter than I'd agree with you, but he isn't.
Who the Hell says it would take Jackson-like power to stop Ginger? Leonard was a better puncher than anyone Ginger's faced. FACT. Leonard had 5 times the speed of anyone Ginger's faced. FACT. He'd hit Ginger at a greater frequency than he's ever been hit. FACT. He could do it all night. FACT. There's no evidence of Canelo being able to handle sustained punishment. And there's no way to predict how he'd deal with Leonard's handspeed. So to suggest Ray couldn't stop him just because he didn't hit like Jackson sounds stupid.
There's nothing in Ginger's history (since he became a full grown man) that suggests that Ray Leonard would have stopped him. Nothing.