Ya for sure and she probably is ok with it. Just tells him to keep it to himself and not embarrass her. I mean this guy could literally have any woman...he travels all over the world...he works with and is around the hottest women on the planet and he can easily have them...so you're telling me when he's away from her for 6 months filming a movie he has zero sex drive? Ha..please...especially when he's pumped full of testosterone and roided up for xmen ...he 100% fucks other women.
That's basically what happened. He was a young punk acting on a TV show with her, he played her lover.
No Doubt... If Not THE Goat of Boxer Wives, Mrs. Froch is EASILY Top 5 All-Time, Pound for Pound... Froch Married UP as Well... REED
Not me. I'd take both of Leonard's wives over Froch's wife. But that's a personal preference.... white gals are sexy, but I'll always favor a gorgeous sista over one. Don't get me wrong... I'd fuck the shit outta Froch's hoe. She's top 10 all time.
I hate Robin Givens, but she was pretty hot. She was hotter after she was with Tyson. In Rage of Harlem and Boomerang, she looked her best. Eddie Murphy was quoted as saying "everyone fucked Robin, but Mike went and married her"
I've never seen the appeal in Robin Givens. Her face is somewhat pretty, but too witch like, and she has no body to speak of. I don't even think she's a top 20 sexy sista of the 80s/90s. Givens looks like dog shit in Boomerang compared to Halle Berry.
I think she looked good then but I agree in not being a top 20 of the 90s. I guess her face being witch-like is fitting for her personality. I like her claims of being in Harvard Medical School, it's like Steven Seagal's claims of being in the CIA. Or the Navy Seals. Or being responsible for teaching Silva a front kick. Or impressing all the black blues artists in Detroit.
Givens was hot she just paled in comparison to the likes of Halle, Nia, etc. If she had more curves, I'd have liked her more.
I had mad love for Givens. She was one of my childhood crushes. Of course a prime Halle Berry was better...
I don't rate either of Leonard's wives to be honest. Juanita was pretty, but she didn't carry herself In a sexy way. The new one is average to me.
Lol. That's not true. It's probably a little easier for us to get WGs than our American counterparts ( US is less tolerant of interracial dating) but we love our BGs just like y'all.
REED can better speak on how its currently viewed in the South. I imagine there's still a certain level of taboo on interracial dating/marriage in the South. But in the NY tri-state area, interracial couples are extremely common and can be seen on a daily basis. Personally, I've fucked around 5-6 WG's, but never officially dated one.
Variety is the spice of life. I love women of all shades and ethnicities. As long as they're beautiful and sexy that's all that matters to me. I used to exclusively date black women ( my ex wife is black) but after my divorce I decided to branch out and try everything.
No bruh. Tell me that dude is from Africa or some third world country and that he just needed a Visa.
Oh! Having a go at our Snakio?... for a few glorious rounds he had Britain rattling like the Luftwaffe, so you oughta be proud of him you German scumbag.