Title say it all. For me, it has to be South Africa. We always hear about some south african that's supposed top be the next best thing, yet, as soon as they step up to world class level, they pretty much always get destroyed
For SA, I'd name Bungu, Botile, Ledwaba and Ndou. While most of them were decent fighters, they were hyped as p4pers by some (well not Ndou, but the others), and they fizzled out miserably on the highest level
Don't really agree. Bar Bute, and maybe lemieux, which Canadian fighter was overrated in the last 30 years?
Ledwaba is the only South African I can recall from recent memory who had reasonably significant hype behind him, even then it wasn't huge. I dunno, I think South African fighters are rated quite fairly in the grand scheme of things. They've had some good fighters too, Thobela should have had a much better career than he ended up having.
Can't really think of any. If a fighter is overrated due to where they come from it's usually 99% hype and cheerleading from that country. I can't recall any cases where a boxer is called promising by fans and media along the lines "this is a guy to watch out for because he comes from <insert nation>" The closest is Cuba but then naturally the difference between amateurs and professionals is always mentioned.
I can't think of any. Cuba maybe, or maybe Great Britain as all their Olympians get huge hype and many of them turn out to be busts. But then again, 70% of highly hyped up-and-comers everywhere tend to be letdowns. Over-hyping is a part of the sport