crawford hasnt proven himself vs the elite yet, but i feel very strongly that if he were from canadia he'd be their greatest fighter of our times
At lightweight Chavez is an EASY choice. There's only like 3-4 lightweights in history who could beat Chavez, and Crawford sure as Hell ain't one of them. 140 is a closer call, but I still pick JC. I wouldn't pick Crawford over Taylor, let alone Chavez. On the flip side, we all know that guys like Postol and Indongo wouldnt last very long with Chavez.
Chavez would almost kill Crawford. Guys today are boxers like 'Painting By Numbers' any fuckin weight division. Seriously, Crawford would quit on his stool after just 6 rounds....
Yeeeaa.... that's an exaggeration. Crawford is good enough to at least hang in any era, but at this point I wouldn't pick him over any atg. He would be competitive with Chavez at 140. Far lesser fighters were. Unless youre gonna tell me that Sammy Fuetes was better than Crawford. Lol. But if we're talking the 89-90 Chavez... no, I can't see Crawford winning. Chavez pulls away after about 8 rounds. I think a better, more arguable match up at this point is Crawford vs Tszyu.