Even though the Charlos are growing on me, they both talk entirely too much. So I found this video pretty funnny to watch. Jermall was talking ALLLL the shit in the world about Jacobs, acting super confident, saying "Imma see him at Barcalys!"... Until Danny actually confronted him. Charlo looks VISIBLY shook in this confrontation... his whole demeanor changed. It's almost COMICAL that Jermall thinks Danny would duck him. This man has faced cancer, and Golovkin, yet you think he's scared of fuckin Jermall Charlo? [VIDEO] DANIEL JACOBS AND JERMALL CHARLO GO AT IT IN HEATED CONFRONTATION || FIGHTHYPE.COM
All talk aside, I'd love to see the matchup. And given how many right hands Charlo ate against Julian Williams, it wouldn't be shocking to see Danny stop him.
His demeanor definitely changed. And what's hilarious is, soon as Jacobs walked away, he and his brother went right back to talkin shit.
Then you're a blind fuck. He has a look of a man who's flirting with a girl and his girlfriend walks in. He has THE oh shit I'm in trouble look. The nervous smile and the whole nine.
Nobody Got “Punked” There... Punked is When a Guy Back Tracls, Recants, Changes Demeanor, etc., When Another Dude is in his Midst... None of that Occurred...Hell, Jacobs was the 1 Offering to Shake Hands 1st... REED
His demeanor DID CHANGE, bruh. Plain to see. Do I think he's scared of Danny? Nah. Do I think he was a lil taken back that Danny stepped to him? Yes. Do I think that means Danny would beat him? No, I think it's a pick em.
If Anything, Charlo Got MORE Serious When Jacobs Arrived...He Even Said “There He Go”, Letting Everybody Else Know Jacobs was Approaching... Nobody got Punked In that Exchange Though...Not Sure What Your Idea of it Is... REED
I agree. I don’t know what the fuck Xplosive is talking about saying he looked scared or that his demeanor changed. For one thing he had no reason to be scared because he never even said anything negative about Danny. Charlo was mostly just talking about himself and just how much he wanted the fight, he wasn’t talking shit. I wouldn’t even call that a confrontation much less a heated one. It was just two guys having a discussion. They were a little hyped up but definitely not confrontational with each other. If anything I thought they were pretty respectful towards each other.